
Course Code
ENG 130  Credits
Title Introduction to Engineering 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Introduction to engineering fields, tools and methods for problem solving. Designed for students exploring career options in engineering. 

Course Code
ENG 200  Credits
Title Surveying 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Introduction to plane surveying, including: use of transits, levels, and total stations; measurements by tape, electronic, and stadia methods; traverse and coordinate calculations, GPS overview, topographic and construction surveys, and U.S. Public Lands descriptions. 

Course Code
ENG 200H  Credits
Title Surveying for Highways 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Continuation of ENG 200 with content specific to the design and construction of highways: earthwork area and volumes, vertical curves, and horizontal curves. Required for Civil Engineering students transferring to NDSU. Recommended for other Civil Engineering and Construction Management students considering careers in heavy highway. Corequisite: ENG 200 

Course Code
ENG 243  Credits
Title Engineering Mechanics I - Statics 
Prerequisite MATH 261 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Vector algebra. Application of equations of equilibrium to the analysis of simple engineering structures and machines. Nature and influence of friction. Elementary theory of statically determinate framed structures. 

Course Code
ENG 244  Credits
Title Engineering Mechanics II - Dynamics 
Prerequisite ENG 243 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Principles of kinematics, particle systems and plane rigid bodies, and vector calculus in solving problems. 

Course Code
ENG 245  Credits
Title Engineering Mechanics III - Materials 
Prerequisite ENG 243 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Application to problems of stress and strain at a point, stress-strain relations in two dimensions, linear theory of torsion, bending stresses, deflection of determinate and indeterminate beams and instability.