Course Code |
Title |
Principles of Marketing |
Prerequisite |
ECON 202 |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Examining the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives. Prerequisite can be waived with consent of the instructor. |
Course Code |
Title |
Marketing Management |
Prerequisite |
MKTG 270 |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
An examination of practical marketing problems with a focus on analysis, planning, implementation, and control of worldwide marketing programs for the purpose of achieving an organization's objectives. |
Course Code |
Title |
Services Marketing |
Prerequisite |
MKTG 270 |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
This course is designed to provide knowledge needed to implement quality service and service strategies for competitive advantage across industries. The foundation of the course is the recognition that services present special challenges that must be identified and addressed. |
Course Code |
Title |
Personal Selling |
Prerequisite |
MKTG 270 |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Utilizing the behavioral sciences to analyze the interpersonal influence process whereby potential buyers and sellers interact for the purpose of completing exchanges of goods and services. Prerequisite can be waived with consent of the instructor. Same as COMM 366. |
Course Code |
Title |
Retail Management |
Prerequisite |
MKTG 270 |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
An analysis of the activities involved in selling goods and services to the final consumer with an emphasis on retail institutions. |
Course Code |
Title |
Topics in Marketing |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Topics in Marketing. Course may be repeated when topic changes. |
Course Code |
Title |
Supply Chain Management |
Prerequisite |
MGMT 380 |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
This course will analyze the supply chain from the point of view of a manager. The goal is to understand how logistical decisions impact the performance of the firm as well as the entire supply chain. The key will be to understand the link between supply chain structures and logistical capabilities in a firm or supply chain. Topics will be covered at the strategic level, planning level as well as the operational level. There will be a mix of qualities and quantitative analysis. Same as MGMT 419. |
Course Code |
Title |
Consumer Behavior |
Prerequisite |
MKTG 270 |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Using concepts drawn from the behavioral sciences to understand those activities people undertake when obtaining, consuming, and disposing of products and services. |
Course Code |
Title |
Marketing Research |
Prerequisite |
MKTG 310 OR MATH 234 |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Methods of obtaining and analyzing internal and external marketing information with an emphasis on survey design and data interpretation. |
Course Code |
Title |
Marketing Communications |
Prerequisite |
MKTG 270 |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
A survey of the elements of promotion -- advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and personal selling -- with a strong emphasis on the strategic integration of these methods to achieve synergy in their application in the marketplace. Same as COMM 423. |
Course Code |
Title |
Business Intelligence Using Data Mining |
Prerequisite |
MATH 234 |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Businesses are collecting and storing vast amount of data. Business intelligence (data mining) techniques are used to turn business data into valuable information and generate business intelligence, helping organizations to make effective decisions. This course will provide an understanding of various data mining techniques such as association rules, clustering, classification techniques, etc. and how to use data mining techniques to transform large and complex data into actionable information. The data mining techniques will be examined in the context of business applications such as marketing, e-commerce, finance, and retailing. (Same as MGMT 433) |
Course Code |
Title |
International Marketing |
Prerequisite |
MKTG 270 |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Comprehensive study of the cultural, political, and economic factors affecting international marketing strategies. |
Course Code |
Title |
Entrepreneurship |
Prerequisite |
MGMT 260 MKTG 270 |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
This is a survey course examining key elements of entrepreneurial venture. Basics of entrepreneurship will be covered. We will adopt the perspective of a global entrepreneur, who may capitalize upon resources from anywhere in the work, while facing global competition and uncertainties at any time. Specific topics this course will cover include: entrepreneurial opportunity, feasibility analysis, business plan, planning for growth and change. |
Course Code |
Title |
Internship |
Prerequisite |
MKTG 270 |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
A supervised practical experience in marketing. A maximum of 12 internship credits may be applied to the degree. Students must have completed 6 credits in Marketing beyond MKTG 310 prior to the internship. |
Course Code |
Title |
Topics in Marketing |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
This is a senior level topics course and may be repeated as topic varies. |
Course Code |
Title |
Independent Study |
Course Outline |
Course Outline |
Description |
Individual inquiry into theoretical or applied aspects of marketing not covered in regular curriculum. |