MSUM’s online baccalaureate degree in nursing is a pathway for career advancement of RNs who have already completed an associate’s degree in nursing. The coursework is totally online with applied and experimental learning opportunities arranged in the student's geographical area (for out-of-MN students, enrollment may depend on the state board of education approvals). The program plan and online option offers students the opportunity to study at their own unique, flexible pace. The RN-BSN curriculum is informed by professional standards and with input from employers, industry and nursing experts. The program has decades of strong history and is taught by faculty who know the students and appreciate the RN base from where students begin.
Admission Requirements
Admission to the RN-BSN program is outlined on the program webpage
Applicants to the RN-BSN program must be licensed RNs or eligible for licensure by RN-BSN program start.
A majority of qualified applicants have an overall GPA greater than 2.75; however applications will be evaluated holistically on a number of criteria. Please see website link listed above for further details on the program admission criteria as well as application requirements, procedures, and deadlines.
Student Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the MSUM RN-BSN program will be able to:
- Integrate concepts from the arts, humanities and sciences as the basis for critical thinking and decision making in the art and science of nursing.
- Recognize the role of nursing leadership to promote safe, high quality care with a focus on continual evaluation and improvement within a variety of organizations and systems.
- Identify, evaluate, and synthesize evidence to improve healthcare safety, quality, and outcomes.
- Utilize technology and information systems to communicate, manage information, and support decision making to improve patient outcomes within healthcare delivery systems.
- Understand the impact of healthcare policy, finance, reimbursement, and regulatory environments on the structure and function of the healthcare system.
- Communicate clearly and collaborate effectively to promote high quality and safe patient care.
- Utilize prevention at all levels to promote wellness and disease prevention for individuals, families, communities and diverse populations.
- Demonstrate professional values through commitment to ethical practice, ongoing learning and professional development.
- Practice caring, competent, holistic, patient centered nursing with diverse groups in a variety of settings across the lifespan.
Program Delivery Mode
Online Plus: offered entirely online with face-to-face options available for some/all sections
Core Requirements
( 31 credits )
NURS 301 Transitions (4)
NURS 303 Family Health Nursing (4)
NURS 342 Care of Diverse Populations (2)
NURS 348L Public Health Nursing (4)
NURS 370 Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice (4)
NURS 420 Gerontological Nursing to Promote Successful Aging (3)
NURS 450 Applied Pathophysiology (4)
NURS 472 Leadership and Professional Development (3)
NURS 473 Professional Pathways (3)
NOTE: "L" denotes courses with applied and experimental learning opportunities arranged in the student's geographical area.
Program Requirements
Graduates of the RN-BSN program will have a minimum of 120 total credits, including key transfer credits. There are 31 core required MSUM nursing credits in the RN-BSN program (listed above), which also apply toward the 40 upper division credits (300-400 level courses) for a baccalaureate degree from MSUM. Further, MSUM requires completion general education credits in the Liberal Arts and Sciences Curriculum (LASC) for all baccalaureate degree graduates.
There are generous transfer credit considerations for those with Associates’ of Arts degrees (e.g., for those coming from the MN Transfer system, or from programs with articulation agreements with MSUM, etc). Transcripts are evaluated individually to determine the extent of transfer credit awarded. Once admitted, students are partnered with an academic advisor to discuss their individual and most efficient path to their BSN.
The baccalaureate degree program in nursing and master's degree program in nursing at Minnesota State University Moorhead are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (http://www.ccneaccreditation.org).