Certificate in Biochemistry & Biotechnology
College of Science, Health and the Environment
Contact Graduate Studies 218-477-2134
Graduate Certificate in Biochemistry and Biotechnology Industry
The Biochemistry and Biotechnology Industry Certificate program is a unique advanced training opportunity for individuals trained for bioscience, pharmaceutical, and chemistry careers. The program will prepare graduates to enter the workforce, provide training to incumbent workers for career advancement, and retrain displaced workers for new careers.
Admission Requirements
Information on admission requirements can be found on the Graduate Studies webpage.
Program Requirements
BCBT 200 is required for students without any industry experience.
BCBT 200 Introduction to the Biochemistry and Biotechnology Industry (2)
BCBT 520 Intro to Working in a Regulated Biochemistry and Biotechnology Industry (4)
BCBT 525 Introduction to Validation in the Biochemistry and Biotechnology Industry (4)
BCBT 530 Intro to Quality Assurance and Quality Control in Biochem Biotech Industry (4)
BCBT 535 Ethics in the Biochemistry and Biotechnology Industry (3)
BCBT 569 Internship (1-12)