
Course Code
NURS 301  Credits
Title Transitions 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description As the first course for RNs who are pursuing a baccalaureate degree, this course provides an overview of the evolution of nursing as a profession. Students are oriented to the role of being scholar-clinicians. The course supports an evolving professional identity and examines major issues and trends in contemporary nursing. Students will explore critical abilities in professional practice such effective communication, working in groups, teaching-learning, and more. The prevailing focus of analysis is quality and safety for the care of individuals, groups, and families. This course is a prerequisite for all other courses in the nursing major for RN-BSN students. Optional co-requisites are N. 303L (Family Health Nursing) and/or N. 342 (Care of Diverse Populations). 

Course Code
NURS 303L  Credits
Title Family Health Nursing 
Prerequisite NURS 301 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Writing Intensive Yes  
Description This course examines nursing care to the family at all stages of life. Theory will be examined and then applied through family health visiting. Concurrent registration in NURS 301 is required if the course is not already completed. 

Course Code
NURS 318  Credits
Title Nursing Ethics 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course is designed to assist students in the exploration and recognition of ethical issues within the profession of nursing. Students will gain knowledge and gain critical thinking skills through that application of ethical theories and paralleling of situations to various benchmarks within the nursing profession (i.e. Association of American College's of Nursing Baccalaureate Essentials, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program Outcomes, American Nurses Association Code of Ethics, Minnesota Board of Nursing Scope of Practice). 

Course Code
NURS 342  Credits
Title Nursing Care of Diverse Populations 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course prepares students to care for people from a holistic perspective. Using nursing theory, this course will provide insight into nursing care and the ability to deliver ethical care to clients from diverse populations. Some of the diverse populations may include: cultural/ethnic differences, sexual preferences, disabilities, age, and chronic illnesses. 

Course Code
NURS 348L  Credits
Title Public Health Nursing 
Prerequisite NURS 301 NURS 303L NURS 342 NURS 370 
Lasc Area No Goal  
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This on-line course combines the theory base with clinical experiences in nursing care to complex systems and aggregates in the community. Emphasis is placed on the promotion, maintenance and restoration of health and wellness and the prevention of disease. 

Course Code
NURS 352  Credits
Title End of Life Nursing Care 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This on-line course addresses critical aspects of palliative end-of-life nursing care. The course is based on the End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) curriculum. 

Course Code
NURS 370  Credits
Title Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice 
Prerequisite NURS 301 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course is designed to provide an overview of nursing research and its role in evidence-based practice. It explores research as it relates to nursing theory, clinical nursing practice and the broader arena of healthcare. Emphasis is placed on preparing students to retrieve, read and comprehend published research reports. A systematic approach to appraisal of research evidence is emphasized as a means of informing nurses' clinical decision making and is incorporated into a research critique and student developed evidence based practice project. 

Course Code
NURS 390  Credits 1-3 
Title Topics in Nursing 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This is a topical course and may be repeated when the topic varies. 

Course Code
NURS 409  Credits
Title Pharmacology for Nurses 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course will provide students with an expanded knowledge base needed to safely monitor and evaluate response to medications for clients of all ages. Students will learn the basics of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Actions, indications, interactions, side effects, nursing implications, and client education for select major drug groups are addressed. 

Course Code
NURS 420L  Credits
Title Gerontological Nursing to Promote Successful Aging 
Prerequisite NURS 301 NURS 370 
Lasc Area No Goal  
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course explores the experience and challenges of aging from the perspectives of the patient, the support system, the community, and the health care system. Factors and processes that are both contributors and barriers to successful aging and quality of life for older adults are identified. Various assessment tools and strategies for delivering evidence based care are examined. This will provide the basis for evidence based nursing care designed to enhance quality of life for the older adult in both health and disease states. The students will perform a complete gerontological assessment on an older adult of their choice and develop interventions to promote successful aging and quality of life. 

Course Code
NURS 450  Credits
Title Applied Pathophysiology 
Prerequisite NURS 301  
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course focuses on alterations of selected physiological functions that occur in response to a disease process, or compensate for common stressors like inflammation or pain. The content builds upon previous understanding of anatomy, physiology, microbiology, basic chemistry, and the usual manifestations of common diseases. Using a systems theory framework, pathophysiological functions of cells and the interrelationships of body units are explored. Physiological theory and treatment implications are presented in video lecture format. Students demonstrate application of content by applying concepts of pathophysiology to clinical problems. 

Course Code
NURS 472  Credits
Title Leadership and Professional Development 
Prerequisite NURS 301 if not co-enrolled  
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course provides students with the opportunity to explore leadership theories and behaviors that will serve as a foundation for career-long professional development. The course focuses on: (a) leadership, (b) professionalism, (c) communication and relationship building, (d) knowledge of the healthcare environment and (e) developing business skills. It integrates concepts of management, decision making, and more to prepare students for current professional nursing practice as leaders and change agents. Emphasis is placed on the critical role of the nurse leader in promoting a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach to the delivery of high quality, safe and accessible healthcare to diverse populations across healthcare settings. 

Course Code
NURS 473L  Credits
Title Professional Pathways 
Prerequisite NURS 301, NURS 303L, NURS 370, NURS 342, NURS 348L, NURS 420L, NURS 450 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Writing Intensive Yes  
Description In this senior capstone, writing intensive course, the student addresses a quality improvement issue using evidence based practice recommendations in a student led project. The student investigates a problem or issue in practice, reviews best evidence and translates that best evidence into a sustained change to enhance quality and safety in care. Emphasis is placed on the nurse as a healthcare leader and the development of leadership skills including project management, decision-making, problem solving, critical thinking, and evaluation. Baccalaureate nursing graduate outcomes are synthesized as students complete their undergraduate nursing coursework. 

Course Code
NURS 490  Credits 1-4 
Title Topics in Nursing 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Study of selected practices, issues and/or problems in health care delivery as they impact the consumer and the nursing profession. Topics change each semester. This course may be repeated when the topic changes. 

Course Code
NURS 497  Credits 1-2 
Title Independent Study 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Individual intensive study, clinical project or research activity of a nursing issue under guidance of a faculty member. Extends intellectual pursuit beyond regular curriculum.