B.A. Degree in Anthropology {17-18}

B.A. Degree in Anthropology

Anthropology is the study of humankind. It is comprised of four subfields – archaeology, biological/physical anthropology, cultural anthropology, and linguistic anthropology. At Minnesota State University Moorhead, anthropology majors begin acquiring exposure to the subfields of the discipline through introductory-level courses. Students then select an emphasis either in archaeology – the study of past societies and cultures – or cultural anthropology – the study of contemporary cultures and societies.
The archaeology emphasis provides students with learning opportunities in classroom and lab settings as well as through fieldwork. In summer field schools students learn standard excavation methods and applied geoarchaeological and geophysical methods. The archaeology emphasis prepares students to further their education in graduate school or to embark on careers in cultural resource management or interpretation.
Students in the cultural anthropology emphasis develop a broad perspective on what it means to be human through courses dealing with diverse contemporary global issues. A Midwest ethnographic field school and East African cultural study tour offer real world learning experiences. Those interested in teaching at the college/university level go on to graduate school while others find employment in international and domestic businesses, NGOs, and human service agencies.
To receive the B.A. Degree in Anthropology, the student must meet the minimum university requirements and specific requirements for the program. Completion of 120 credits is required for this degree, which includes the Liberal Arts and Sciences Curriculum.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the content of the discipline.
  • Apply the concepts of anthropology.
  • Understand research methods.
  • Ability to use resources effectively.

Program Delivery Mode
Land plus: face-to-face where some online courses may be available or required

Core Requirements ( 15 credits )

This core is required of all students who major in Anthropology, including both emphases in Cultural Anthropology and Archaeology. Students must declare an emphasis for this program.

ANTH 110 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)
ANTH 115 Introduction to Archaeology (3)
ANTH 120 Introduction to Physical Anthropology (3)
ANTH 248 Ideas of Culture (3)
ANTH 492 Seminar in Anthropology (3)

Designated Writing Intensive Course for Major
ANTH 492 - Seminar in Anthropology

Emphasis in Archaeology

Program Requirements ( 21 credits )

Students in the Archaeology emphasis must take:

ANTH 217 Rise of Civilization (3)
ANTH 300 Contemporary Archaeology (3)
ANTH 350 Geoarchaeology (3)

Additionally, students in the Archaeology emphasis must also take:

  • One archaeology area course, selecting from:
    ANTH 315 North American Archaeology (3) or
    ANTH 337 The Maya (3)
  • At least six credits in applied archaeology courses, selecting from:
    ANTH 301 Archaeological Prospection (3)
    ANTH 450 Field Work in Anthropology (6)
    ANTH 451 Archaeology Lab (3)
    ANTH 455 Field Methods in Geoarchaeology (4) 

  • One upper level cultural anthropology course at the 300+ level, selecting from:
    ANTH 306 Medical Anthropology (3)
    ANTH 307 Ecological Anthropology (3)
    ANTH 308 Migration and Human Adaptation (3)
    ANTH 311 American Indians and the Environment (3)
    ANTH 312 Anthropology of Tourism (3)
    ANTH 313 Understanding Contemporary Africa (3)
    ANTH 314 American Indian World Views (3)
    ANTH 316 Magic, Witchcraft and Belief (3)
    ANTH 333 Anthropology of Music (3)
    ANTH 360 Applied Ethnographic Methods (3)
    ANTH 380 Traditional Cultures (3)

Restricted Electives ( 9 credits )

Students in the Archaeology Emphasis must select at least 9 credits of electives in the ANTH rubric at the 200 level or above. These courses may not be selected from those already used to fulfill requirements of the major or emphasis.

Emphasis in Cultural Anthropology

Program Requirements ( 21 credits )

Students in the Cultural Anthropology emphasis must take:

ANTH 265 Language and Culture (3)
ANTH 360 Applied Ethnographic Methods (3)
ANTH 380 Traditional Cultures (3)

Additionally, students in the Cultural Anthropology emphasis must also take:

  • One cultural anthropology area course, selecting from:
    ANTH 202 American Indian Cultures (3)
    ANTH 313 Understanding Contemporary Africa (3)

  • Two upper level applied cultural anthropology courses, selecting from:
    ANTH 306 Medical Anthropology (3)
    ANTH 307 Ecological Anthropology (3)
    ANTH 308 Migration and Human Adaptation (3)
    ANTH 311 American Indians and the Environment (3)
    ANTH 312 Anthropology of Tourism (3)

  • One upper level archaeology course at the 300+ level, selecting from:
    ANTH 300 Contemporary Archaeology (3)
    ANTH 301 Archaeological Prospection (3)
    ANTH 315 North American Archaeology (3)
    ANTH 337 The Maya (3)
    ANTH 350 Geoarchaeology (3)
    ANTH 450 Field Work in Anthropology (6)
    ANTH 451 Archaeology Lab (3)
    ANTH 455 Field Methods in Geoarchaeology (4)

Restricted Electives ( 9 credits )

Students in the Cultural Anthropology Emphasis must select at least 9 credits of electives in the ANTH rubric at the 200 level or above. These courses may not be selected from those already used to fulfill requirements of the major or emphasis.