Minor in Mathematics {17-18}
Minor in Mathematics
This minor is a general Mathematics minor that consists of the calculus sequence, a course in discrete mathematics, and an additional nine credits of upper-level electives that can be chosen to match the interests of the student, for a total of 25 credits.
Core Requirements
( 16 credits )
MATH 210 Concepts in Discrete Mathematics (3)
MATH 260 Computer Calculus (1)
MATH 261 Calculus I (4)
MATH 262 Calculus II (4)
MATH 323 Multi-Variable and Vector Calculus (4)
Restricted Electives
( 9 credits )
Students must take 9 credits of upper level Mathematics electives chosen from the following list.
MATH 311 Introduction to Proof and Abstract Mathematics (3)
MATH 321 Financial Mathematics (3)
MATH 327 Introduction to Linear Algebra (3)
MATH 335 Intermediate Probability and Statistics I (4)
MATH 336 Intermediate Probability and Statistics II (3)
MATH 355 Mathematics Modeling (3)
MATH 361 Intermediate Analysis I (4)
MATH 362 Intermediate Analysis II (3)
MATH 366 Differential Equations (3)
MATH 392 Sophomore Seminar (1)
MATH 411 Introduction to Combinatorics (3)
MATH 421 Actuarial Science I (3)
MATH 435 Mathematics Statistics I (4)
MATH 450 Numerical Analysis I (4)
MATH 476 Abstract Algebra I (4)
MATH 486 History of Mathematics (3)
MATH 487 Foundations of Geometry (3)
MATH 492 Senior Seminar (1)