Elementary and Early Childhood Education

Course Code
EECE 190  Credits 1-3 
Title Topics in Elementary and Early Childhood Education 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This is a topics course and may be repeated as topics vary. 

Course Code
EECE 220  Credits
Title Foundations of Early Childhood & Early Childhood Special Education 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This is an introductory course to the field of the early childhood and early childhood special education. Basic aspects of programming for children from birth to age eight will be studied. Referral and intervention procedures are included as well as various educational and service delivery models. Terminology, key professionals, historical and contemporary issues are included. 

Course Code
EECE 250  Credits
Title Creative Expressions in Early Childhood 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course will explore play-based art and music experiences that are integrated throughout the curriculum. Focus will be placed on understanding creativity and the development of skills to assist and encourage young children to express themselves through art, music, movement, and drama during one-on-one, choice time, and large-group experience. 

Course Code
EECE 290  Credits 1-3 
Title Topics in Elementary and Early Childhood Education 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This is a topics course and may be repeated as topics vary. 

Course Code
EECE 297  Credits 1-3 
Title Independent Study in Education 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Extends study beyond regular course work at the sophomore level. 

Course Code
EECE 333  Credits
Title Discovery Learning 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Developmentally appropriate practices focusing on methods and materials in art, literature, music, math, science, and social/multicultural studies. Emphasis: focusing on constructivist approaches to hands-on discovery learning of children ages three to eight. 

Course Code
EECE 397  Credits 1-3 
Title Independent Study in Education 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Extends study beyond regular course work at junior level. 

Course Code
EECE 426  Credits
Title Primary Methods: Math, Science, Social Studies 
Prerequisite EECE 333 MATH 303 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description A methodology course for early childhood majors to explore constructivist approaches to hands-on discovery learning of math, science, and social studies in the primary grades of 1-3. 

Course Code
EECE 430  Credits
Title Infant/Toddler Programs and Practices 
Prerequisite EECE 230 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description An orientation to planning and implementing programs for children ages birth to three years and their families. Guidelines for supporting development and for providing quality care and education will be examined and applied in a field experience in an infant or toddler program. 

Course Code
EECE 433  Credits
Title Preschool and Kindergarten Curriculum 
Prerequisite EECE 234 EECE 220 EECE 333 EECE 230 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course will provide the student with the skills and knowledge necessary to plan and implement curriculum in programs serving pre-school and kindergarten children and their families. Students apply integrated curriculum planning and demonstrate advanced use of developmentally appropriate practices and strategies in either a pre-school or a kindergarten classroom. The practicum, EECE 467K (one credit) accompanies this course and must be taken concurrently. 

Course Code
EECE 437  Credits
Title Leadership and Administration in Early Childhood Education 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Writing Intensive Yes  
Description This course focuses on the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to develop leadership and administrative abilities needed in the field of Early Childhood Education. This course will address a variety of facets of administration including enrollment, staffing, supervision, policy development, communication, budgeting and evaluation of early childhood programs. In addition, this course includes the examination of leadership, advocacy, and contemporary issues within the filed, culminating in the writing and presentation of an independent scholarly advocacy paper. As a writing intensive course, writing is a major component of the course. 

Course Code
EECE 438  Credits
Title Guidance and Play 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course explores guidance and play with young children. Emphasis on using relationship-based guidance approaches to support the development of self-regulation and positive self-concept. Methods for designing a learning environment and using play to optimize children's leaning will be taught. Guidance strategies and group management approaches are addressed. 

Course Code
EECE 441  Credits
Title Children's Literature: Content and Methods 
Prerequisite EECE 341 SPED 225 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Writing Intensive Yes  
Description Close reading and study of children's literature--folktales, myth, hero tales, picture books, poetry, modern fantasy, biographies and realism. Emphasis on the nature of children's literature, literature from diverse cultures, criteria for selection, and strategies for reading/teaching literature as a content field in the elementary school. This course meets the upper-level writing requirement. 

Course Code
EECE 469  Credits 1-12 
Title Early Childhood Internship 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This internship will provide students with the opportunity to apply and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions required in the field of early childhood education. Students will work with groups of children in an early childhood setting for up to 12 weeks. Students will complete experiences typical in an early childhood setting, overseen by a faculty supervisor and a site-based early childhood professional.  

Course Code
EECE 480E  Credits
Title Student Teaching: Elementary 
Prerequisite Admitted into teacher education program: SARTE, complete Ed 310, Ed 498, Ed 448. Student teachers must have a cumulative GPA of 2.8 (Early Childhood, Sped, Elementary Ed) or 2.50 (Secondary and K-12) at the time of application for student teaching. All courses required for the major must be completed. 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Supervised student teaching experience at the elementary level for students receiving a K-12 license only. Enrollment in ED 460S (5 credits) is also required. 

Course Code
EECE 481C  Credits 1-12 
Title Student Teaching: Early Childhood 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Supervised student teaching experience in an elementary school and in an early childhood program. Students will teach at two levels, preschool through third grade. 

Course Code
EECE 481E  Credits 1-16 
Title Student Teaching: Kindergarten/Elementary 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Supervised teaching experience in a kindergarten and/or elementary setting. Retention in Teacher Education Program through SARTE. Satisfactory completion of/or co-enrollment in all prior Early Childhood Education program requirements. 

Course Code
EECE 481V  Credits 1-16 
Title Student Teaching: Elementary/Early Childhood 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Supervised student teaching experience in an elementary school or early education center. Only students who are student teaching in the Student Teaching Abroad Program, or being hosted by MSUM via the Common Market Program, or other approved exchange program, should register for this course. 

Course Code
EECE 490  Credits 1-3 
Title Topics in Elementary and Early Childhood Education 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This is a topics course and may be repeated as topics vary.