Degree Completion Procedures
Degree Completion Procedures
Form 1: Proposed Graduate Course Plan:
Students are assigned a graduate advisor upon admission to a degree program. It is the student’s responsibility to meet with the advisor to plan the appropriate courses in order to meet degree requirements. The plan should be recorded on Form 1, along with the signatures of advisor and program coordinator. The completed form is sent to the Graduate Studies Office.
Timeline for submission: end of first semester as an admitted graduate student.
Form 2: Part A: Thesis/Project Committee and Park B: Topic Approval and IRB Verification:
Part A:
The student and advisor work together in determining whether to pursue the thesis or project option. After making this determination the student and advisor select faculty to sit on the student’s committee. The committee must include a minimum of (3) faculty that have graduate faculty status with the exception of students in the Curriculum and Instruction program that need only to have (2) committee members. One committee member must originate from outside the student’s chosen area of study.
Part B:
Upon determination of topic, a decision made by the student and their advisor, Part B is completed. If human subjects are involved in the research then Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Department Review Chair (DRC) approval is required before research can begin. All approval forms must be kept on file. After IRB or DRC approval, if required and the proposal is accepted then the student and advisor sign for approval.
Once Form 2 has been completed, send to the Graduate Studies Office.
Timeline for submission: prior to beginning research study.
Form 3: Preliminary Graduation Notice
Students who are nearing completion of their courses of study must obtain the signature of their advisor and program coordinator to verify that they are eligible to participate in commencement. Students completing their degree programs in spring are eligible to participate in May commencement; if completing a degree program in the summer or fall then the student is eligible to participate in December commencement.
Timeline for submission: Six weeks prior to commencement.
Form 4: Application for Graduate Degree
Prior to the oral defense, complete the top half of page 1 as well as the course work section on page 2. You should next make a visit to the Registrar's Office to make sure all official transcripts are on record for any transfer credits you are listing for program requirements on Form 4. Bring Form 4 with you to the oral defense so you can obtain the final signatures of the thesis/project committee members as well as your advisor. The program coordinator will sign page 2 after certifying that the courses fulfill the requirements for the degree. Then submit your thesis or project to the library at least 1 week prior to commencement. Return the completed Form 4 to the Graduate Studies Office.
Timeline for submission: One week prior to commencement.
Final Form for Graduate Thesis or Project/Action Research
Standards for the preparation of a research paper must conform to the manual of style required by the program in which the degree is taken. Students must work closely with their committee chair and committee in the preparation of their research paper.
RED is an open-access repository maintained by the Minnesota State University Moorhead Library to showcase, preserve, and provide access to the scholarly and creative work produced by the MSUM community.
A copy of each thesis and dissertation written by a graduate student at MSUM as partial fulfillment of the requirement for the graduate degree is deposited in RED. For those graduate students that elect to do a Project/Action Research, uploading a copy of their paper is optional with advisor approval.
- Students completing a Thesis (699) or Dissertation (799) will create an account in Digital Commons (RED) and upload their final, advisor-approved copy in PDF format.
- Students completing a Project/Action Research (696 or 796) will create an account in Digital Commons (RED) and uploading their final paper is optional with advisor approval.
Instructions for creating accounts are available on the graduate website.
Notify the Graduate Studies Office (submit Form 3) of your intent to graduate as soon as possible but no later than six (6) weeks prior to commencement.
Degrees are posted to transcripts by the Registrar's Office three (3) times a year: at the end of the fall semester, spring semester, and summer session. There are two (2) commencement ceremonies during the year: at the end of fall semester in December and at the end of spring semester in May. Students completing all degree requirements during the summer are eligible to participate in December commencement.
Exceptions to this policy are made on a case-by-case basis. Students may appeal through the graduate appeal process. Appeals must be filled out no later than six (6) weeks prior to commencement. Students should consult with their Program Coordinator and/or advisor to determine if an appeal is warranted.
An appeal will not be considered if any of the following apply: the oral discourse has not be scheduled, the thesis or project is not finished, or more than six (6) graduate credits are still needed to meet credit requirements for the degree (unless the credits are for Internship/Practicum and all other requirements are completed).
Academic garb should be ordered from the Bookstore no less than eight weeks prior to commencement. Students who plan on participating in commencement will need to submit their hood to the Graduate Studies Office at least one week prior to commencement.
Forms can be found at