
Course Code
BUS 101  Credits
Title Introduction to Business 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course is designed to introduce students to the academic disciplines offered in the School of Business by requiring short essays, utilizing research, and providing guest speakers in accounting, finance, marketing, management, and international business. Speakers will provide advice on how students can get the most out of their college years and what the business world expects of new hires. Students will also learn how to develop a degree plan that will help track their progression through their years at MSUM. 

Course Code
BUS 145  Credits
Title Introduction to International Business 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to the area of international business. The aim is to sensitize students to the complexities of managing an organization in the changing international environment. The instructor will focus on the diversity of international cultures and economies. Additionally, the course will focus on the unique international dimensions of organizational concerns such as leading, organizational culture, planning, and staffing in the international business environment. 

Course Code
BUS 245  Credits
Title Seminar on Doing Business in China 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course will provide the conceptual framework for doing business in China. The course provides an overview of doing business in China, including an introduction to the Chinese economy, history and culture. China's economic growth phenomenon over the past three decades and the uniqueness of the Chinese market, organizations, and social structure will be examined in terms of the challenges and opportunities they bring to a foreign firm doing business in China. 

Course Code
BUS 345  Credits
Title China Business Trip 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Students in this class will travel to China for a first-hand experience of Chinese culture, business environment, financial system and the challenges and opportunities each of these bring to conducting foreign business in mainland China. 

Course Code
BUS 346  Credits
Title Doing Business in Europe 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Students in this course will travel to one or several selected European countries for a first-hand experience of the local culture, business environment, financial system and the challenges and opportunities each of these bring to conducting business with the country/ies. The course consists of 6-8 in-class sessions and a multi-week trip to the selected European country/ies. During the trip, students will visit a variety of businesses and financial and government institutions, as well as historic and cultural sites. The course is intended to be an experiential learning and fully immersive experience to the local business and cultural environment. Course may be repeated twice for credit. 

Course Code
BUS 390  Credits 1-3 
Title Topics in Business Administration 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This is a junior level topics course and may be repeated as topic varies. 

Course Code
BUS 401  Credits
Title Executive Mentorship 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Students will be assigned an executive mentor based on their completion of a personal profile. Students will meet with their mentor for 2-4 hours per month to explore their own career choices in light of the mentor’s experiences and insights. Students are responsible for contacting their mentor. Students are expected to attend and contribute to brown bag lunches and social gatherings where both mentors and students are present. Students will have the opportunity and responsibility to represent themselves and MSUM professionally and courteously. Students will attend scheduled class sessions, participating actively in conversation, completing homework, and sharing insight and feedback from their interactions with their mentors. Students will prepare a minimum of three 10-point reflection papers and a final 30-point summary paper based on their course/mentorship experiences. This course may be taken up to two times. 

Course Code
BUS 469  Credits 1-12 
Title Internship 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Internship in Business 

Course Code
BUS 480  Credits
Title Dragon Consulting 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Students will work on project teams to apply their academic knowledge to real life business problems in real time. Through the Center for Innovative Business Solutions (CIBS) students will provide consulting services for clients and real-world experience for themselves. Businesses that have identified a project and work with student teams to find solutions and recommendations the business can implement. Students will have the opportunity and responsibility to represent themselves and MSUM professionally and courteously. Students will attend scheduled class sessions students to think critically about business issues and to be creative problem solvers as they navigate challenging projects. 

Course Code
BUS 490  Credits 1-3 
Title Topics in Business Administration 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This is a senior level topics course and may be repeated as topic varies. 

Course Code
BUS 497  Credits 1-3 
Title Independent Study in Business 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Independent reading or research allowing an individual student to explore a specific business topic under faculty supervision.