Minor in Wellness {19-20}
Wellness Minor
The Wellness Minor is designed to introduce students to wellness concepts and develop the strategies to achieve optimal health. 21 credits.
Core Requirements
( 14 credits )
HLTH 110 Personal Health & Wellness (3)
HLTH 305 Introduction to Nutrition (3)
HLTH 327 Safety Education and Consumer Protection (3)
HLTH 330 Disease Prevention (2)
HLTH 412 Education for Sexuality and HIV/AIDS (3)
Restricted Electives
( 7 credits )
Seven credits total. Maximum of two credits in Wellness Activity courses (PE).
PE 100 Aerobic Dance (1)
PE 104 Exercise and Body Development (1)
PE 137 Yoga I (1)
PE 190 Topics (1)
AT 210 Medical Terminology (1)
BIOL 300 Biology of Women (3)
HLTH 125 First Aid and CPR (2)
HLTH 190 Topics (1)
HSAD 326 Epidemiology and Introductory Biostatistics (3)
PSY 220 Social Behavior (3)
PSY 265 Health Psychology (3)
PSY 403 Adulthood and Aging (3)
PSY 317 Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (3)
SOC 308 Social Gerontology (3)
SOC 375 Sociology of Health and Medicine (3)