B.A. Degree in Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice majors examine the criminal justice system and its components within a multidisciplinary framework. The major provides a broad analysis of the criminal justice system and its historical and contemporary social contexts. To receive the B.A. Degree in Criminal Justice, the student must meet the minimum university requirements and specific requirements for the program. Completion of 120 credits is required for this degree which includes the Liberal Arts and Sciences Core (42 credits).
Student Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate an understanding of the social mechanisms, processes, and institutional arrangements that create and reproduce systems of power and inequality, such as race, gender, sexuality, and class.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the significant connections between individuals and social processes.
- Demonstrate knowledge of important theoretical perspectives in their discipline.
- Demonstrate an understanding of scholarly sources of information (i.e. research published in peer-reviewed journals).
- Critique methods, theory, and the work of other scholars.
- Conduct, interpret, present, and write reports about social scientific research using qualitative and/or quantitative methodologies.
- Explain current social phenomena as they relate to major theoretical traditions.
Program Delivery Mode
Land plus: face-to-face where some online courses may be available or required
Core Requirements
( 20 credits )
CJ 200 Introduction to Criminal Justice (4)
CJ 300 Criminology (3)
CJ 335 Criminal Law (3)
CJ 337 Criminal Procedure (3)
CJ 400 Seminar in Criminal Justice (4)
SOC 310 Dominant-Subordinate Group Relations (3)
Program Requirements
Students must choose a nine credit concentration from the following (Political Science, Psychology, Social Work, OR Sociology)
Political Science
POL 120 American National Government and Politics (3)
POL 230 Introduction to the Law (3)
POL 332 Constitutional Law I: Institutional Powers and Constraints (3) or
POL 333 Constitutional Law II: Civil Rights and Liberties (3)
PSY 113 General Psychology (3)
PSY 220 Social Behavior (3)
PSY 261 Personality (3)
Social Work
SW 250 Introduction to Social Welfare and Social Work (3)
SW 330 Human Behavior and the Social Environment (3)
SW 402 Child Welfare Services (3) or
SW 411 Chemical Dependency (3)
SOC 110 Introduction to Sociology (3) and
SOC 120 Social Psychology (3) and
SOC 302 Social Theory (3) or SOC 210 Social Problems (3)
Law Enforcement Track
Our Criminal Justice Program provides the opportunity for students to complete the Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) certification through completion of specific coursework. Please contact Dr. Joel Powell for more information on the licensure and certification process: powell@mnstate.edu.
Related Requirements
( 6 credits )
Students are required to complete at least six credits in research methods courses: SOC 350 Methods and Statistics for Social Research (4), and one of the following: SOC 351 Quantitative Methods (3), or SOC 352 Qualitative Research Methods (3). Students must take SOC 351 or SOC 352 as the required Writing Intensive course for the major.
Restricted Electives
( 12 credits )
Students must complete a minimum of 12 credits of restricted electives selected from the list below or any Criminal Justice course EXCEPT CJ 111 and CJ 469. 9 of those 12 credits must come from 300 or 400 level courses.
CJ 201 Introduction to Juvenile Justice (3)
CJ 301 Delinquent Behavior (3) or
SOC 301 Delinquent Behavior (3)
CJ 303 Punishment and Prisons (3) or
SOC 303 Punishment and Prisons (3)
CJ 304 Community Corrections (3) or
SOC 304 Community Corrections (3)
CJ 306 Gangs (3)
CJ 309 Law and Society (4) (WI) or SOC 309 Law and Society (4) (WI)
CJ 312 Criminal Investigation (3)
CJ 313 Law Enforcement (3)
CJ 380 Global Criminal Justice (3)
CJ 385 Crime, Justice, and Media (3)
CJ 390 Topics in Criminal Justice (1-3)
CJ 430 MN Criminal Law and Procedure (4)
CJ 497 Readings in Criminal Justice (1-3)
POL 230 Introduction to the Law (3)
POL 332 Constitutional Law I: Institutional Powers and Constraints (3) and
POL 333 Constitutional Law II: Civil Rights and Liberties (3)
PSY 261 Personality (3)
PSY 317 Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (3)
PSY 463 Abnormal Psychology (3)
SOC 220 Social Deviance (3)
SOC 390 Topics in Sociology (1-3)
SOC 497 Readings in Sociology (1-3)
SW 402 Child Welfare Services (3)
SW 411 Chemical Dependency (3)
SW 490 Topics in Social Work (1-3)
An internship is not required for the major. Internships are important as networking opportunities for those seeking employment. These are usually completed in the Junior or Senior year and may be taken in any academic term. Most students intern during the summer. Internship credits do not apply toward the Criminal Justice major requirement total of 47 credits.
Internship Contact Information
Dr. Geraldine Hendrix-Sloan
Lommen 212L