B.A. Degree in Gerontology {19-20}
B.A. Degree in Gerontology
Gerontology is a field of study that integrates several disciplinary perspectives on human aging, including sociology, social work, psychology, and biology. It explores the aging process of individuals and societies, including the study of physical, mental, and social changes; the investigation of societal changes resulting from an aging population; and the application of this knowledge to policy and program development. To receive the B.A. Degree in Gerontology, the student must meet the minimum university requirements and specific requirements for the program. Completion of 120 credits is required for this degree which includes the Liberal Arts and Sciences Core (42 credits).
Student Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate knowledge of important theoretical perspectives in Gerontology.
- Demonstrate an understanding of scholarly sources of information (i.e., research published in peer-reviewed journals).
- Critique methods, theory, and the work of other scholars.
- Conduct, interpret, present and write reports about social scientific research using qualitative and/or quantitative methodologies.
- Explain current social phenomena as they relate to major theoretical traditions.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the social mechanisms, processes, and institutional arrangements that create and reproduce systems of power and inequality, such as race, gender, sexuality, and class.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the significant connections between individuals and social processes.
Program Delivery Mode
Land plus: face-to-face where some online courses may be available or required
Core Requirements
( 19 credits )
HSAD 401 Health Aspects of Aging (3)
PARA 416 Elder Law (3)
PHIL 311 Morals and Medicine (3)
PSY 403 Adulthood and Aging (3)
SOC 308 Social Gerontology (3) or
SW 308 Social Gerontology (3) or
WS 308 Social Gerontology (3)
SW 410 Gerontology: Policy and Practice (4) or
SOC 410 Gerontology: Policy and Practice (4)
Designated Writing Intensive Course for Major
PHIL 311 Morals and Medicine
Restricted Electives
( 6 credits )
Students must earn at least six credits in research methods chosen from the following courses.
ECON 370 Quantitative Economic Analysis (3)
MATH 234 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (3)
PSY 230 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (4)
SOC 350 Methods and Statistics for Social Research (4)
SOC 351 Quantitative Methods (3)
SOC 352 Qualitative Methods (3)
SW 400 Research Methods in Social Work (3)
( 15 credits )
Students must choose fifteen credits from the following courses. Concordia and NDSU offer courses which may also be used as electives in the Gerontology major. Students should consult with the Gerontology Program Coordinator prior to making such substitutions. Complete course lists are available from the department.
ACCT 230 Principles of Accounting I (3)
ACCT 280 Legal Environment of Business (3)
ACCT 321 Employment Law (3)
ANTH 248 Ideas of Culture (3)
BIOL 236 Introduction to Microbiology (3)
BIOL 323 Human Anatomy (4)
BIOL 349 Human Physiology (4)
ECON 305 The Economics of Poverty, Discrimination, and Inequality (3)
FINC 340 Financial Management (3)
FINC 360 Principles of Investment (3)
HLTH 305 Introduction to Nutrition (3)
HLTH 330 Disease Prevention (2)
MGMT 260 Principles of Management (3)
MGMT 451 Organizational Behavior (3)
MKTG 270 Principles of Marketing (3)
PARA 470 Government Benefits (3)
POL 221 Minnesota State and Local Government (3)
POL 340 Public Administration (3)
POL 341 Public Policy (3)
PSY 265 Health Psychology (3)
PSY 463 Abnormal Psychology (3)
SOC 120 Social Psychology (3)
SOC 310 Dominant-Subordinate Group Relations (3)
SOC 320 Sociology of the Family (3)
SOC 375 Sociology of Health and Medicine (3)
SOC 412 Sociology of Complex Organizations (3)
SW 411 Chemical Dependency (3)
SW 460 Social Policy and Policy Practice (3)
SW 490 Topics in Social Work (1-3)