Minor in Media Arts {19-20}
Minor in Media Arts
Media Arts offers creative expression through the study of animation, film, video, photography, graphic arts, audio, and interactive multimedia. Within the Media Arts, students work with space, time, motion, light, color, and sound to express their ideas. Students learn a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to contemporary arts, digital production, and emerging media technologies, within the context of the theory and practice. Students explore a range of media arts tools, technologies, and applications, as a means to enable expansive experimentation and innovative creative research.
Program Delivery Mode
Land plus: face-to-face where some online courses may be available or required
Core Requirements
( 20 credits )
Students must maintain a GPA of 3.0 in all Media Arts coursework.
ANIM 116 Foundations in Animation (4)
EIT 182 Intro to Audio Recording (2)
FILM 175 Video Production (4)
GCOM 255 Beginning Computer Graphics (3) OR
GCOM 266 Introduction to Multimedia (3)
THTR 255 Stagecraft (3)
PHO 201 Intro to Film Based Photography (4) OR
PHO 202 Basic Digital Imaging (4)
Restricted Electives
( 3 credits )
ANIM 216 3D Modeling (4)
EIT 261 Legal & Ethical Issues in Entertainment (3)
EIT 281 Studio & Live Productions (3)
FILM 180 Understanding Movies (3)
FILM 265 16mm Production (4)
FILM 275 Film Appreciation (4)
FILM 290 Topics in Film (1-3)
FILM 390 Topics in Film (1-3)
GCOM 355 Intermediate Computer Graphics (3)
GCOM 366 Intermediate Web Design (3)
GDES 203 Introduction to Graphic Design (4)
GDES 303 Typography (4)
THTR 234 Theatrical Design Principles (3)
PHO 301 Intermediate Photography (4)
PHO 305 Photographic Lighting (4)
PHO 351 Photographic Portraiture (4)
PHO 375 The History & Aesthetics of Photography (4)