Minor in Statistics {19-20}
Minor in Statistics
Minor in Statistics, 23-24 credits. This minor in Statistics includes one year of Calculus, Linear Algebra, and courses in the areas of Probability and Statistics.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Students will be able to apply a variety of calculus techniques to solve applied problems.
- Students will be able to apply a variety of techniques from linear algebra to solve applied and abstract problems.
- Students will know a variety of probability distributions and their applications.
- Students will be able to apply a variety of techniques from statistics to solve applied problems.
- Students will be able to determine which statistical technique to apply in a given situation.
Core Requirements
( 20 credits )
MATH 235 Introduction to R (1)
MATH 260 Computer Calculus (1)
MATH 261 Calculus I (4)
MATH 262 Calculus II (4)
MATH 327 Introduction to Linear Algebra (3)
MATH 335 Intermediate Probability & Statistics I (4)
MATH 336 Intermediate Probability & Statistics II (3)
Restricted Electives
( 3-4 credits )
Students must complete one of the following courses.
MATH 321 Financial Mathematics (3)
MATH 323 Multi-Variable and Vector Calculus (4)
MATH 435 Mathematical Statistics I (4)