Minor in Physics {19-20}
Minor in Physics
This minor is designed for the student who wants to have a strong resume in physical science. Students pursuing a closely allied major such as mathematics, chemistry, or computer science often add this minor. A student pursuing a Minor in Physics must have a solid mathematical foundation in algebra, trigonometry, and calculus and will complete 24 additional credits.
Core Requirements
( 21 credits )
PHYS 200 Physics I with Calculus & Lab (4)
PHYS 201 Physics II with Calculus & Lab (4)
PHYS 202 Introduction to 20th Century Physics (3)
PHYS 305 Experimental Physics I (3)
PHYS 315 Physics Seminar (1)
PHYS 322 Elementary Modern Physics (3)
PHYS 306 Experimental Physics II (3)
Students may substitute PHYS 160/PHYS 161 for PHYS 200/PHYS 201.
A maximum of 2 credits of PHYS 394, PHYS 315, or PHYS 469 may be used towards the total credits for the minor.
Restricted Electives
( 3 credits )
Students must earn three elective credits in Physics courses at the 300 level or higher.