
Course Code
NURS 270  Credits
Title Health Promotion and the Role of the Professional Nurse 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course introduces the student to the role of the professional nurse. The emphasis on health promotion across the lifespan includes learning about self-health, as well as holistic client health practices. Students learn to access and apply research evidence to guide safe preventative care. The student will incorporate communication and growth and development theory in a caring and culturally sensitive manner. The student will work as an ethical member of multi-disciplinary teams giving and receiving feedback about performance and use reflective thinking about their practice. Within the context of the nursing process, populations studied will include children, adults, older adults and the family experiencing a normal pregnancy. 

Course Code
NURS 272  Credits
Title Transition to the Role of the Professional Nurse 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course is designed to expand the knowledge and skills of the LPN as they transition to the professional role within nursing. Emphasis is placed on health promotion through the lifespan and incorporates theories related to evidence-based practice, quality and safety, communication, collaboration, clinical decision-making/reasoning, informatics, assessment, caring, and health- illness continuum. 

Course Code
NURS 275  Credits
Title Nutrition and the Role of the Professional Nurse 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course introduces the student to the role of the nurse in promoting and supporting nutritional health. Emphasis is on the role nutrition plays in health promotion/prevention of illness, recovery from acute illness and/or management of chronic illness. Students learn to access evidence to support healthy nutritional choices that reduce risk factors for disease and/or illness across the lifespan. Students explore how culture, ethnicity, socio-economic status, nutritional trends and controversies, and integrative therapies influence the nutritional health of the client. 

Course Code
NURS 280  Credits
Title Chronic & Palliative Care 
Prerequisite NURS 270 OR NURS 272 AND NURS 275 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course focuses on the nursing care of clients experiencing chronic illness and/or end of life. Emphasis is placed on understanding the “lived experience” of clients and families. Ethical issues related to advocacy, self- determination, and autonomy are explored. Evidence-based practice is used to support appropriate focused assessments and management of care of clients experiencing concurrent illnesses/co-morbidities. 

Course Code
NURS 282  Credits
Title Pharmacology and the Role of the Professional Nurse 
Prerequisite NURS 270 OR NURS 272 AND NURS 275  
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course introduces theoretical concepts that enable students to provide safe and effective care related to pharmaceuticals and natural products to diverse clients across the lifespan. A framework is presented for approaching the study of pharmacotherapeutics including pharmaceutical research and regulation, quality and safety, major drug classifications, and clinical management. 

Course Code
NURS 285  Credits
Title Applied Pathophysiology for Nursing I 
Prerequisite NURS 270 OR NURS 272 AND NURS 275 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course introduces a holistic perspective of pathophysiological processes and the disruption in normal body function. Emphasis will be on objective and subjective manifestations of common chronic health problems resulting from environmental, genetic, and stress-related maladaptations to provide a foundation for nursing care. This course complements selected topics addressed in Chronicity and End of Life to provide a comprehensive understanding of disease processes. 

Course Code
NURS 301  Credits
Title Transitions 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Writing Intensive Yes  
Description As the first course for RNs who are pursuing a baccalaureate degree, this course provides an overview of the evolution of nursing as a profession. Students are oriented to the role of being scholar-clinicians. The course supports an evolving professional identity and examines major issues and trends in contemporary nursing. Students will explore critical abilities in professional practice such effective communication, working in groups, teaching-learning, and more. The prevailing focus of analysis is quality and safety for the care of individuals, groups, and families. This course is a prerequisite for all other courses in the nursing major for RN-BSN students.  

Course Code
NURS 303  Credits
Title Family Health Nursing 
Prerequisite NURS 301 if not co-enrolled 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course emphasizes nursing care of the diverse family unit across life stages and care settings. Family focused care that is theory driven and evidence informed guides students in developing holistic, health promoting, culturally sensitive approaches to care. In addition, promotion of critical thinking and effective, therapeutic communication and collaborative practices are emphasized in the care of families. 

Course Code
NURS 303  Credits
Title Holistic Family Nursing 
Prerequisite NURS 301 if not co-enrolled 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course emphasizes nursing care of the diverse family unit across life stages and care settings. Family focused care that is theory driven and evidence informed guides students in developing holistic, health promoting, culturally sensitive approaches to care. In addition, promotion of critical thinking and effective, therapeutic communication and collaborative practices are emphasized in the care of families. 

Course Code
NURS 318  Credits
Title Nursing Ethics 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course is designed to assist students in the exploration and recognition of ethical issues within the profession of nursing. Students will gain knowledge and gain critical thinking skills through that application of ethical theories and paralleling of situations to various benchmarks within the nursing profession (i.e. Association of American College's of Nursing Baccalaureate Essentials, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program Outcomes, American Nurses Association Code of Ethics, Minnesota Board of Nursing Scope of Practice). 

Course Code
NURS 342  Credits
Title Nursing Care of Diverse Populations 
Prerequisite NURS 301 if not co-enrolled 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course supports the advancement of patient-centered care with the imperative that nurses impact the profound disparities in health status and health care, both nationally and globally. Students will examine what is meant by culture and the ways that culture intersects with health issues. Ultimately, the focus is that professional nurses are committed to advocating for safe quality care to all, congruent with the tenets of social justice, human rights, and bound to nursing’s Code of Ethics.  

Course Code
NURS 342  Credits
Title Interdisciplinary Care of Diverse Populations  
Lasc Area Goal 7  
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course supports all future members of the healthcare team in learning how to have an impact on the profound disparities in health status and healthcare of diverse populations through a multidisciplinary approach. Students will examine the definitions of culture and diversity while exploring the ways that these two concepts intersect with health issues. The focus is that healthcare professionals are committed to advocating for safe quality care to all, congruent with the tenets of social justice, human rights, and bound to ethical care for all. MnTC Goal 7 

Course Code
NURS 348L  Credits
Title Public Health Nursing 
Prerequisite NURS 301 pre-req or taken concurrently 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This on-line course combines the theory base with clinical experiences in nursing care to complex systems and aggregates in the community. Emphasis is placed on the promotion, maintenance and restoration of health and wellness and the prevention of disease using evidence-based practice. 

Course Code
NURS 352  Credits
Title End of Life Nursing Care 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This on-line course addresses critical aspects of palliative end-of-life nursing care. The course is based on the End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) curriculum. 

Course Code
NURS 354  Credits
Title Integrative Nursing 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course focuses on core concepts and principles of integrative nursing care to optimize health and well-being of self, persons, organizations, and communities. Integrative nursing interventions, integrative therapies, and applications are examined to manage a variety of common symptoms, promote health, and create optimal healing environments across care settings and populations. Students evaluate evidence, theoretical principles, and strategies related to integrative therapies to implement appropriate approaches to clinical practice and self-care. In the course, students experience practical applications to enhance well-being. Finally, global perspectives related to integrative nursing are explored.  

Course Code
NURS 361  Credits
Title Acute and Complex Care 
Prerequisite NURS 280 NURS 282 NURS 285 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course focuses on the nursing care of clients experiencing acute disruptions of health and/or end of life issues. Emphasis is placed on understanding and application of theory and skills required to provide nursing care to clients with complex and/or unstable conditions. Evidence-based practice is used to support appropriate focused assessments, and effective, efficient nursing interventions. Knowledge of life span, developmental factors, cultural variables and legal aspects of care guide the ethical decision making in delivery of care. 

Course Code
NURS 362  Credits
Title Applied Pathophysiology for Nursing II 
Prerequisite NURS 280 NURS 285 NURS 282 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course will facilitate ongoing critical thinking and analysis of pathophysiological concepts. Emphasis will be on interpretation and prioritization of data resulting from environmental, genetic, and stress-related maladaptations. This course complements the selected topics addressed in Acute & Complex Care to provide a comprehensive understanding of disease processes. 

Course Code
NURS 364  Credits
Title Nursing Leadership I 
Prerequisite NURS 280 NURS 285 NURS 282  
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course focuses on prioritization, delegation, and supervision of nursing care of clients across the lifespan. Healthcare policy, finance, and regulatory environment issues are analyzed. Emphasis is on planning, collaborating and coordinating care for individuals and groups across the care continuum. 

Course Code
NURS 370  Credits
Title Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice 
Prerequisite NURS 301 (if not co-enrolled)  
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course is grounded in the translation of current evidence into best practice. The research process links nursing theory with clinical nursing practice for application within the larger healthcare system. Emphasis is placed on preparing students to retrieve, read and comprehend published research reports. A systematic approach to appraisal of research evidence is emphasized as a means of informing nurses’ clinical decision making and is incorporated into a research critique. Students develop an evidence based practice project as well as explore evidence-based practice models to facilitate implementation and dissemination. 

Course Code
NURS 390  Credits 1-3 
Title Topics in Nursing 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This is a topical course and may be repeated when the topic varies.