University Studies

Course Code
UNIV 111  Credits
Title College Learning Strategies 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description The purpose of this course is to provide students with an opportunity to learn and to adopt methods of studying and thinking which facilitate academic success in higher education. 

Course Code
UNIV 121  Credits
Title Foundations of University Success 
Lasc Area Goal 2  
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course is designed to help students develop the critical thinking skills needed for both academic and personal success. Through discovery and self-assessment, students will apply the methods of motivation, goal-setting, study skills, learning styles, problem solving and time management to achieve their college goals. MnTC Goal 2. 

Course Code
UNIV 122  Credits
Title Individual Strategies for University Success 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course is designed to help the student develop and utilize an individualized plan of action for academic success and accountability. Students will learn academic strategies and develop effective study habits to improve academic performance. 

Course Code
UNIV 131  Credits
Title Career/Life Planning 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course is intended to help students assess their values, interests, skills, and temperament and relate them to career choices. Through self-assessment and career information research, the student will be able to identify a broad base of career options and describe a variety of career goals. Students will acquire tools with which to make decisions and plans regarding major and future career choice. 

Course Code
UNIV 141  Credits
Title Assertiveness Training 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course is designed to enable students to learn their interpersonal rights and responsibilities, to discriminate between assertive, aggressive and submissive behavior and to acquire a set of assertive skills that, by definition, maintain the dignity of the parties involved. 

Course Code
UNIV 143  Credits
Title Emotional Intelligence 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description In this course students will learn why Emotional Intelligence (EI) may be more important to their academic and career success than traditional IQ. Students will be introduced to several theories of EI and its component skills. Opportunities to self-assess personal levels of EI will be provided and students will identify strategies to enhance their own EI skill sets. 

Course Code
UNIV 145  Credits
Title Stress Management 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description In this course students will explore the sources and effects of stress. They will identify societal pressures and personal choices that lead to stress disease and learn the physiological effects of stress on an individual's health. Students will identify current and potential sources of stress in their own lives and learn stress management techniques to develop a stress resistant lifestyle. 

Course Code
UNIV 340  Credits
Title Learning Assistant Program Seminar 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This seminar is designed for students who are either currently serving as a Learning Assistant (LA) or are planning on applying to become an LA in the future. Seminar topics provide pedagogical help for LAs to enable them to support and facilitate active learning by the students in their assignments.