Minor in East Asian Studies {20-21}
Minor in East Asian Studies
East Asian Studies Minor - 21 credits
Core Requirements
Students must take one year of Chinese language or Japanese language.
Restricted Electives
Students must take a minimum of two courses (6-8 credits) in East Asian History. In addition, students must choose at least five credits in elective courses in close consultation with an advisor in the East Asian program. Courses may be taken from the list below. Other courses may apply if approved by the program coordinator. Equivalents of some of these courses may be taken through study abroad programs with approval of the program coordinator.
ART 338 Non-Western Art (4)
CHIN 101 Beginning Chinese I (4)
CHIN 102 Beginning Chinese II (4)
CHIN 132 Introduction to Chinese Culture (3)
CHIN 190 Topics in Chinese Language, Literature, and Culture (1-4)
CHIN 202 Intermediate Chinese II (4)
CHIN 290 Topics in Chinese Language, Literature, and Culture (1-4)
CHIN 297 Independent Study in Chinese - Intermediate Level (1-2)
CHIN 390 Topics in Chinese Language, Literature and Culture (1-4)
CHIN 397 Independent Study in Chinese - Advanced Level (1-3)
COMM 285 Intercultural Communication (3)
HIST 220 Contemporary Asian America (3)
HIST 301 East Asian History I (3)
HIST 302 East Asian History II (3)
HIST 346 Modern China (3)
HIST 347 Modern Japan (3)
HIST 492 Senior Seminar (3-4)
HIST 497 Independent Study (1-3)
HUM 320 Humanities East and West (3)
JAPN 101 Beginning Japanese I (4)
JAPN 102 Beginning Japanese II (4)
JAPN 142 Introduction to Japanese Culture (3)
JAPN 190 Topics in Japanese Language, Literature, and Culture (1-4)
JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese I (4)
JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese II (4)
JAPN 290 Topics in Japanese Language, Literature, and Culture (1-4)
JAPN 297 Independent Study in Japanese - Intermediate Level (1-2)
JAPN 390 Topics in Japanese Language, Literature and Culture (1-4)
JAPN 397 Independent Study in Japanese: Advanced Level I (1-3)
PHIL 120 World Religions (3)