School of Business

Paseka School of Business
Center for Business 207A, (218) 477-4646
Vinod Lall and Mary Stone
Faculty: HyunSang An, Mohamed Elbannon, Sheri Erickson, Xiang Gao, Lori Johnson, Wooyang Kim, Ralf Mehnert-Meland, Kim Mollberg, Atif Osmani, Eduardo Pablo, Lakshmi Palaparambil Dinesh, Jane Pettinger, Gokce (Greg) Serdar, Leonard Sliwoski, Siwei Zhu

Areas of Study
The Paseka School of Business is accredited by AACSB. Majors in Accounting, Finance, Business Analytics and Business Administration are offered. Students majoring in Business Administration can choose from emphasis areas in international business, management, and marketing. The School of Business offers certificate programs in Business Analytics, Doing Business in China, Entrepreneurship, Banking, Corporate Finance, Investments, and Human Resources. Non-business students can choose minors in Entrepreneurship, Business Administration, Management, and Marketing. The School of Business also offers a Master's of Science in Accounting and Finance, a general MBA, and an MBA with healthcare emphasis. All courses in the MBA curriculum are available online. These courses will have optional live interactive sessions. Students who are unable to attend the live sessions will have the opportunity to review the session recordings.

Any MSUM student who has completed 40 semester credits and who also meets the specific course prerequisites may register for the following courses without any special permission: ACCT 280, FINC 340, MGMT 260, MKTG 270. Students seeking to take any courses beyond these four courses must be either admitted to the School of Business or receive a “program override” from the School of Business Academic Advisor.

Obtaining Admission to the School of Business
Admission to the School of Business enables students to register for other upper-level School of Business courses and to pursue any School of Business major.

Students who officially declare any School of Business major must apply for admission. A previously admitted student returning to complete a degree in the School of Business after a year or more of taking no courses must also formally reapply for admission and will be placed into an existing program and follow the curriculum in effect as of the returning date. The student-initiated application must be approved by a co-chair of the School of Business. The applicant must meet the following requirements at the time of application.

  • An overall GPA of at least 2.50 (includes all MSUM courses and courses accepted in transfer).
  • Completion of, or current enrollment in, the 60th semester credit.
  • Must have signed the School of Business Integrity Oath Acknowledgement.
  • Completion of, or current enrollment in, the following MSUM courses or equivalent courses:

            ACCT 230 & ACCT 231               
            CSIS 104
            ECON 202 & ECON 204               
            ENGL 101
            MATH 227 or MATH 229 & MATH 234              
            PSY 113 or SOC 110
            COMM 100

Enrollment in Upper-Level School of Business Courses by Non-Business Majors with Business Course Requirements and Non-Business Majors Seeking Minors
Programs outside the School of Business often identify upper-level accounting or business courses as required or elective courses within their own programs. In addition, students in other programs may decide to declare a minor in the School of Business. In both cases, students may need to take upper-level accounting or business courses beyond ACCT 280, FINC 340, MGMT 260, and/or MKTG 270. Such students need to obtain a “program override” from the School of Business Academic Advisor. Students are also expected to have at least junior standing and meet course prerequisites when taking each course. A maximum of 21 upper-level School of Business credits may be taken without applying for admission to the School of Business.

Enrollment in Upper-Level School of Business Courses by Non-Degree Seeking Undergraduate Degree Holders.
A non-degree seeking student who has an undergraduate degree may take any course in the School of Business provided that their undergraduate GPA is at least 2.5 (includes all courses taken or courses accepted in transfer) and that they have satisfied all the prerequisites for that course as shown in the course catalog. When attempting to enroll in courses, the registration system will check for course prerequisite. If a student is found to lack required prerequisites but believe that they have in fact satisfied the requirement, they can seek a program override from the department chair that will allow them to enroll. In addition, after taking at least three courses under this condition, a minimum overall GPA of 2.5 for all such courses must be maintained.

Course Prerequisites and Overrides
When students cannot register because the system indicates that they have not satisfied course prerequisites and/or minimum GPA requirements, only department chairs and the School of Business Academic and Transfer Advisor are authorized to do overrides. As students are responsible for meeting the requirements for course prerequisites prior to attempting to enroll in a course, faculty are advised to inform students of their responsibilities and to only refer students to the co-chairs or the Academic and Transfer Advisor if one of the following two conditions are met:

  • The student appears to have satisfied the prerequisite using a transferred course according to their DARS but the system is not recognizing the course as satisfying the prerequisite requirement when attempting to register.
  • The student is graduating in the present semester and not being able to enroll in the course due to not having completed the prerequisites will delay their graduation.

MGMT 498 has a minimum GPA requirement as a prerequisite. An override for this requirement will be granted by the Academic Advisor upon receiving acknowledgement from the student in writing that they have been informed of the minimum GPA requirement necessary for graduation. This written acknowledgement will be placed in the faculty advisor’s student folder.

Graduation Policy for School of Business
All School of Business majors must have a 2.50 overall GPA to graduate. This GPA is based solely on courses taken at MSUM. All School of Business minors must have a 2.00 GPA in courses comprising the minor.

Baccalaureate Degree Programs
Majors in Accounting, Business Administration, Business Analytics and Finance are offered. The following curricula are subject to change. See Program Worksheets for current degree requirements. At least 60 non-business semester credits are required. At least half of the minimum credits required for degree completion must be earned from departments other than Economics and The School of Business.

Substitution and waivers of courses required for the B.S. degree in Accounting, Business Administration, Business Analytics and Finance must be approved in writing by the chair of the School of Business.

At least half of the course requirements for the major or minor must be earned on this campus.

Business majors require:

  • completion of related requirements;
  • completion of core requirements;
  • completion of major requirements and restricted electives; and
  • at least 60 non-business credits that may include 9 credits of economics.

Graduate Program information can be found at