B.A. in Art History {20-21}

B.A. Degree in Art History

The Bachelor of Arts degree in Art History is offered for students whose principal interest is in museum/gallery professions, education, research, restoration, or other fields related to the visual arts. Course requirements are designed to familiarize students with the major subject areas in Art History and interdisciplinary themes current in the profession. Requirements include the year long Global Art History Survey of Art and seven upper-level Art History courses. Additional courses in studio art, a foreign language, and a senior research project with a public presentation are required for graduation. To receive the B.A. Degree in Art History, the student must meet the minimum university requirements and specific requirements for the program. Completion of 120 credits is required for this degree which includes the Liberal Arts and Sciences Curriculum. Students must earn a C- or higher in all art courses.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Ability to identify the social, political, and cultural contexts of the major periods and movements in the history of art.
  • Ability to identify the primary artistic concepts and apply appropriate vocabulary in the major movements of the history of art.
  • Ability to conduct art historical research and exercise information literacy.
  • Ability to write and appropriately format a research paper.
  • Ability to deliver an effective oral presentation with the use of visual aids and technology.
  • Ability to read at a rudimentary level a foreign language (based on a minimum of one year of study)

Program Delivery Mode
Land plus: face-to-face where some online courses may be available or required

Core Requirements ( 12 credits )

ART 233 Global Art History I (3)
ART 233M Global Art History I: Methods (1)
ART 234 Global Art History II (3)
ART 234M Global Art History II: Methods (1)
ART 450 Contemporary Art, Design, and Theory (4)

Designated Writing Intensive Course for Major
ART 450 - Contemporary Art, Design, and Theory (4)

Program Requirements

Students must earn 6 credits in ART 479. This course is titled Art History Thesis, and as a graduation requirement, students are required to present their Art History Thesis publicly.

Related Requirements ( 8 credits )

Students must take at least one year of a foreign language (eight credits), or demonstrate equivalent competency. Ancient, medieval or modern languages may be used to fulfill the requirement. For students intending to pursue graduate level education, a second foreign language is strongly recommended.

Restricted Electives ( 36 credits )

Students must earn 8 credits in Studio. Choose from the following:
ART 101 Basic Drawing I (4)
ART 102 Basic Drawing II (4)
ART 125 Foundation Design (4)

Students must earn 28 credits in Art History courses at the 300 level or higher.

ART 345 Art of Social and Environmental Justice (3)
ART 408 Women and Art (4)
ART 425 Art History Field Experience (4)
ART 430 Nineteenth Century Art (4)
ART 431 Twentieth Century Art (4)
ART 390/ART 490 Topics in Art (must be Art History Topic - may be repeated as different topics) (1-3)

Recommended Electives

Courses in history, religion, philosophy, literature, anthropology, archaeology, humanities, multicultural studies, American studies, Women's and Gender Studies, Foreign Language/Literature/Culture, and Business may be beneficial to students in this emphasis and should be chosen in consultation with the art history program coordinator.

HIST 226 Introduction to Cultural Management (3)
ART 320 Philosophy of the Arts (3)
ART 469 Internship (1-6)