Speech Language Pathology

Course Code
SLP 601  Credits
Title Research Design in Speech-Language Pathology 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description The study of basic research principles and methods of descriptive, experimental and single-case designs in speech-language pathology and audiology. Emphasis on the development, implementation and evaluation of research. Students will need a statistics course as prerequisite for this course. 

Course Code
SLP 621  Credits
Title Seminar: Cleft Palate and Phonological Disorders 
Prerequisite SLHS 201 SLHS 321 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Advanced study of the nature, assessment, and treatment of articulation/phonological disorders, and communication problems associated with cleft palate. 

Course Code
SLP 623  Credits
Title Seminar: Voice Disorders 
Prerequisite SLHS 202 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This seminar explores the nature of acquired and congenital voice disorders and differences across the lifespan, including methods of assessing, diagnosing, and treating voice etiologies.  

Course Code
SLP 624  Credits
Title Seminar: Stuttering and Related Fluency Disorders 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description A seminar that includes strategies for the assessment and treatment of adult stuttering and other fluency disorders. Advanced assessment and treatment procedures for childhood stuttering will also be addressed. 

Course Code
SLP 627  Credits
Title Communication in Normal Aging and Dementia 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description The study of communication and swallowing in normal aging and the cognitive-communicative disorders of dementia. The focus of the class will be on retained abilities and global deterioration processes, their etiology, pathophysiology, associated cognitive- communitive impairments, prevention, assessment, direct and indirect intervention techniques. 

Course Code
SLP 630  Credits
Title Adult Neurogenic Language Disorders 
Prerequisite SLHS 402 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Etiology, diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of acquired speech and language impairments in adults. The emphasis will be on the study of aphasia and related disorders. 

Course Code
SLP 631  Credits
Title Pediatric and Adult Motor Speech Disorders 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description The etiology, diagnosis, assessment procedures and treatment protocols for motor speech disorders found in children and adults including apraxia and dysarthria. Introduction to neurological diseases that cause motor speech disorders in children and adults. Discussion about the assessment and treatment procedures for developmental apraxia; introduction to swallowing disorders related to the above conditions. 

Course Code
SLP 642  Credits
Title Augmentative and Alternative Communication 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Advanced assessment procedures for communication and related areas as they apply to implementing augmentative communication. Development of intervention techniques and experience with augmentive communication devices and other assistive technologies. 

Course Code
SLP 646  Credits 1-6 
Title Clinical Experience 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Supervised clinical experience in speech/language pathology or audiology with children or adults on or off-campus. May be repeated. 

Course Code
SLP 647  Credits
Title Diagnostic and Appraisal Procedures 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Students will apply principles of evidence-based assessment practice to the use of diagnostic tools. They will select, administer, score and interpret assessment procedures for all individuals including those from culturally or linguistically diverse backgrounds. 

Course Code
SLP 675  Credits
Title Seminar: Professional Issues in SLP 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description A seminar that covers topics related to issues facing SLPs working across settings, including such topics as credentialing, ethics and legal considerations, interprofessional education, interprofessional practice, service delivery models, cultural competence, and supervision. 

Course Code
SLP 681  Credits
Title Pediatric and Adult Swallowing Disorders 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Study of the normal and pathological swallowing process across the lifespan. The review includes the study of neurogenic, structural and psychiatric or behavioral etiologies. Assessment procedures, review of case studies, and current therapeutic and compensatory techniques. 

Course Code
SLP 682  Credits
Title Seminar: Social & Cognitive Correlates of Communication Disorders 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Advanced study of the relationships between communication disorders and other primary or secondary diagnoses, such as cognitive (executive) dysfunction, or social/behavioral and psychiatric disorders. 

Course Code
SLP 683  Credits
Title Seminar in Child and Adolescent Language Disorders 
Prerequisite SLHS 322 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Advanced study of the nature, assessment and treatment of language disorders in children and youth. There is a specific emphasis on service delivery models and multicultural issues. 

Course Code
SLP 690  Credits 1-4 
Title Topics in Speech Language Pathology 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Topical seminar in Speech Language Pathology; may be repeated when the topic changes. 

Course Code
SLP 695  Credits 1-4 
Title Portfolio (Plan B) 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Culmination portfolio for capstone projects. 

Course Code
SLP 696  Credits 1-4 
Title Project/Action Research (Plan B) 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description A non-thesis capstone research project. 

Course Code
SLP 697  Credits 1-4 
Title Independent Study 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Selected readings and/or research for individual students under faculty supervision. 

Course Code
SLP 698  Credits
Title Continuing Registration 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Continuing enrollment in graduate studies. This option is to be used for registration after completion of all course requirements, including thesis or capstone project; required during the semester of the oral defense examination. May not be used to fulfill degree credit requirements or financial aid minimum requirements. 

Course Code
SLP 699  Credits 1-4 
Title Thesis (Plan A) 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Research and writing of the master's thesis under the supervision of the faculty chair and the thesis committee. Maximum 4 credits allowed.