B.A. Degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language {21-22}
B.A. Degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Description The B.A. in TEFL is geared towards individuals, such as international students, who wish to teach English as a foreign language in countries where English is not the dominant language. It may also lead to limited possibilities in the U.S., such as working in adult ESL programs where only a bachelor's degree is required. It can serve as a foundation for teaching ESL in community colleges and universities in the U.S., but is not enough for working at those levels. Students who wish to work at those levels should expect to continue beyond the bachelor's degree to an M.A. in TESL.
This degree is inappropriate for those who hope to teach English in k-12 schools in the United States, as it will not lead to a k-12 teaching license. Students who wish to obtain that credential should enroll in the B.S. in TESL, which is approved by the Minnesota State Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board requirements for teachers of ESL and has been accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).
Student Learning Outcomes The B.A. in TEFL program SLOs draw from the international TESOL standards for teachers of ESL. Because the program is actually intended to train teachers of EFL, however, modifications of the TESOL standards are evident.
Domain 1. Language
- Candidates know, understand, and use the major theories and research related to the structure and acquisition of language to help English learners’ (ELs’) develop language in all language domains.
- Candidates demonstrate understanding of language as a system, including phonology, morphology, syntax, pragmatics and semantics, and support ELs as they acquire English oral language and literacy.
- Candidates understand and apply theories and research in language acquisition and development to support their ELs’ English language and literacy learning.
Domain 2. Culture
- Candidates know, understand, and use major concepts, principles, theories, and research related to the nature and role of culture and cultural groups to construct supportive learning environments for ELs.
- Candidates know, understand, and use major theories and research related to the nature and role of culture in their instruction. They demonstrate understanding of how cultural groups and individual cultural identities affect language learning and school achievement.
Domain 3. Planning, Implementing, and Managing Instruction
- Candidates know, understand, and use evidence-based practices and strategies related to planning, implementing, and managing standards-based EFL instruction. Candidates are knowledgeable about program models and skilled in teaching strategies for developing and integrating language skills. They integrate technology as well as choose and adapt classroom resources appropriate for their ELs.
- Candidates know, understand, and apply concepts, research, and best practices to plan classroom instruction in a supportive learning environment for ELs. They can plan for multilevel classrooms with learners from diverse backgrounds using standards-based EFL and curriculum.
- Candidates know, manage, and implement a variety of standards-based teaching strategies and techniques for developing and integrating English listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
- Candidates are familiar with a wide range of standards-based materials, resources, and technologies, and choose, adapt, and use them in effective EFL teaching.
Domain 4. Assessment
- Candidates demonstrate understanding of issues and concepts of assessment and use standards-based procedures with ELs.
- Candidates demonstrate understanding of various assessment issues as they affect ELs, such as accountability, bias, special education testing, language proficiency, and accommodations in formal testing situations.
- Candidates know and can use a variety of standards-based language proficiency instruments to show language growth and to inform their instruction. They demonstrate understanding of their uses for identification, placement, and reclassification of ELs.
- Candidates know and can use a variety of performance-based assessment tools and techniques to inform instruction for in the classroom.
Domain 5. Professionalism
- Candidates keep current with new instructional techniques, research results, advances in the EFL field, and education policy issues and demonstrate knowledge of the history of EFL teaching. They use such information to reflect on and improve their instruction and assessment practices. Candidates work collaboratively with school staff and the community to improve the learning environment, provide support, and advocate for students and their families.
- Candidates demonstrate knowledge of history, research, educational public policy, and current practice in the field of EFL teaching and apply this knowledge to inform teaching and learning.
- Candidates take advantage of professional growth opportunities and demonstrate the ability to build partnerships with colleagues and students’ families and serve as community resources.
Program Delivery Mode Land plus: face-to-face where some online courses may be available or required
Core Requirements
( 33 credits )
ENGL 365 Language & Learning (3) LANG 457 Second Language Acquisition & Language Teaching (3) LANG 471 Methods & Materials in Teaching Languages I (3) LANG 472 Methods & Materials in Teaching Languages II (3) LANG 475 Second Language Assessment (3) PHIL 318 Professional Ethics (3) STL 295 Foundations of Language and Literacy (3) TESL 451 English Structures (3) TESL 454 Grammar for TESL (3) TESL 455 Oral Discourse Structures (3) TESL 456 Written Discourse Structures (3)
Designated Writing Intensive Course for Major PHIL 318 Professional Ethics
Related Requirements
( 27 credits )
1 year of college level foreign or second language study or equivalent. Language studied must be foreign or second to learner. May be met through ELP or TEFL courses. (6-8)
COMM 100 Speech Communication (3) ED 205 Introduction to Education (3) ED 294 Educational Psychology (3) ENGL 101 English Composition II (3) ENGL 201 English Composition II (3) SPED 225 Individuals with Exceptionalities (3)
Restricted Electives
( 12 credits )
12 upper division credits. LANG 469 Internship (1-12) may be used for all 12 if an appropriate placement is found. Otherwise the variable credit nature of the internship experience may allow for partial fulfillment of the total upper division elective credits.
( 12 credits )
12 upper or lower division credits selected in consultation with advisor. ELP or TEFL courses numbered in the 100-200 range may count as lower division elective credits. ELP courses numbered in the 090 range may not count towards these credits.