Master of Science in Curriculum & Instruction - Certificate in Teacher Leadership {21-22}
Program Coordinator: Dr. Michael Coquyt, Ed.D
School of Teaching and Learning
Lommen 216C, (218) 477-2019
The Master of Science degree in Curriculum and Instruction provides candidates with both a theoretical base and opportunity for practical application within the areas of educational foundations, curriculum theory, instructional best practices, and educational research. The core requirements provide not only a theoretical base, but an opportunity to conduct action research in the classroom with the purpose of providing a solid research base that is appropriate for the P-12 teacher who seeks a means by which to increase student achievement. In addition to the core, students must select an emphasis in one of the following areas: Kodaly, Literacy, Special Education, Teaching English as a Second Language, Teacher Leadership, Mathematics, Biology, or Content Specialization.
Teacher Leadership Certificate
The Teacher Leadership Certificate is a fifteen (15) credit program designed for individuals who wish to develop their leadership ability for use in the classroom or in such expanded roles as lead teacher, instructional coach, team leader, curriculum developer, department chairperson, new teacher mentor or special project leader. The Teacher Leadership Certificate is intended for teachers who want to apply their knowledge and skill to the larger school community, yet may not want to leave their classrooms to do so.
Admission Requirements
Information on admission requirements can be found on the Graduate Studies webpage.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Facilitate the collaborative analysis of classroom and school data to ensure that instructional practices and school structures are benefiting all students.
- Employ outcome-based and facilitation skills to help colleagues work collaboratively to refine instructional practice, make ethical and educational decisions, and promote meaningful change in curriculum, instruction, assessment, school structures and culture that lead to improve teaching practices and increase student achievement.
- Coach and mentor new teachers.
- Observe and provide constructive feedback to teachers at all stages of their careers.
- Apply decision making skills with the use of case studies.
Program Delivery Mode
Online Plus: offered entirely online with face-to-face options available for some/all sections
Core Requirements
( 15 credits )
ED 630 Leadership, Planning, and Organizational Behavior in Education (3)
ED 634 Personal Communications and Ethics (3)
ED 670 Educational Alternatives for Learning (2)
ED 671 Issues in Education (2)
ED 690 Topics in Education (2) (Topics Related to Instructional Coaching)
ED 669 Internship (1)
PSY 634 Methods of Evidence Based Practice (2)
Students may substitute ED 717 Adult Learning (2) or ED 789 School/Community Relations (2) for PSY 634 (2) if they choose and it is approved by the program coordinator.
Master of Science in Curriculum and Instruction
Master of Science in Curriculum and Instruction - 32-35 credits
Admission Requirements
Information on admission requirements can be found on the Graduate Studies webpage.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrated knowledge of the history and development of social structures in America and the relationship between social structures and schooling.
- Demonstrated knowledge of historical, psychological, philosophical, multicultural, economic and social contexts of schooling.
- Demonstrated knowledge of curriculum design, implementation and modification.
- Demonstrated knowledge of social and technological developments affecting curriculum.
- Demonstrated knowledge of curriculum options and instructional strategies.
- Demonstrated knowledge of current issue trends in education.
- Demonstrated ability to identify relevant problems in classrooms and schools.
- Demonstrated ability to critically reflect on schooling practices and policies.
- Demonstrate the necessary knowledge, skills, and dispositions to design and conduct an action research project.
- Demonstrate ability to thoughtfully write an action research paper and clearly articulate the paper's findings.
Program Delivery Mode
Online Exclusive: must be completed entirely online; no face-to-face options available
Core Requirements
( 19 credits )
ED 601 Psychological Foundations of Education (2)
ED 603 Methods of Research (2)
ED 696 Action Research (2)
ED 613 Social, Cultural, Political and Community Dimensions of Education (4)
ED 632 Curriculum, Instruction, and Learning Theory (4)
ED 527 Emerging Technologies (2) OR
MATH 515 Tools and Technology for Secondary Mathematics (2)
SPED 664 Theory and Process of Consultation and Collaboration (3)
Program Requirements
- Minimum of 32 credits.
- 3.0 grade point average required for courses submitted for the degree.
- Action Research Project/Integrated Paper.
- Written Comprehensive Examination.
Detailed information on these requirements and department policies and procedures may be obtained from the Curriculum and Instruction Graduate Program Coordinator.
Emphasis in Teacher Leadership
Program Requirements
( 15 credits )
ED 630 Leadership, Planning, and Organizational Behavior in Education (3)
ED 634 Personal Communications and Ethics (3)
PSY 634 Methods for Evidence Based Practice (2)
ED 670 Teacher Leadership: Educational Alternatives for Learning (2)
ED 671 Teacher Leadership: Issues in Education (2)
ED 690 Topics Related to Instructional Coaching (2)
ED 669 Internship (1)
Emphasis in Literacy
Program Requirements
( 14 credits )
EECE 613 Literacy Instruction and Assessment: A Historical Perspective (3)
EECE 614 Literacy in the Content Areas (3)
EECE 645 Developmental Diagnosis of and Instruction in Literacy (3)
EECE 646 Reading Clinic Diagnosis (2)
EECE 615 Literature for Young and Adolescent Readers: Content and Methods (3)
Emphasis in Special Education
Program Requirements
( 14 credits )
SPED 555 Characteristics of Students with Learning and Behavior Problems (4)
SPED 613 Inclusive Teaching Practices (3)
SPED 620 Perspectives and Policies in Special Education (3)
SPED 570 Secondary Services & Transitional Planning (4)
Emphasis in Mathematics
Program Requirements
( 16 credits )
MATH 511 Enumerative and Algebraic Combinatorics (3)
MATH 512 Proportional Reasoning and Related Topics, Grades 6-12 (3)
MATH 626 Problem Solving (3)
MATH 634 Probability and Statistics for Teachers (4)
MATH 676 Abstract Algebra and Galois Theory (3)
Emphasis in Biology
Program Requirements
( 15 credits )
Choose five courses (15 credits) from list below.
BIOL 610 Quantitative Methods in Behavioral Ecology (3)
BIOL 611 Molecular Biology and Bioethics (3)
BIOL 612 Clinical Anatomy (3)
BIOL 613 Evolutionary Developmental Biology (3)
BIOL 614 Plant Evolution (3)
BIOL 615 Principles of Infectious Diseases (3)
BIOL 616 Biomedical Imaging and Therapies (3)
Emphasis in Content Specialization
Program Requirements
( 15 credits )
The Content Specialization Emphasis will include 15 additional credits (normally between 5-6 courses). The single rubric coursework, which would comprise an area of Content Specialization, would be approved by the C&I Graduate Program Coordinator.
Emphasis in Kodaly
Program Requirements
( 13 credits )
Kodaly Emphasis Requirements (9 credits)
MUS 634 Kodaly Method for Training Teachers Level I (3)
MUS 635 Kodaly Method for Training Teachers Level II (3)
MUS 636 Kodaly Method for Training Teachers Level III (3)
Kodaly Electives (4 credits)
MUS 590 Topics in Music (1-2)
MUS 620 Instrumental Ensemble (1)
MUS 637 Orff-Schulwerk Level 1 (3)
Emphasis in Chemistry
Program Requirements ( 15 credits )
CHEM 500 Biochemistry I (3)
CHEM 510 Biochemistry II (3)
CHEM 590 Topics in Chemistry (3)
CHEM 600 Chemistry of Food and Cooking (3)
CHEM 604 Modeling Environmental Geochemistry Systems (3)
CHEM 605 Forensic Chemistry (3)
CHEM 650 Biophysical Chemistry (3)