
Course Code
PSY 517  Credits
Title Child Psychopathology 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Includes an overview of the characteristics, classification, and developmental course of disorders of childhood and adolescence. Introduces an integrative approach incorporating different theoretical models. Considers biological, familial, social and cultural contexts and individual differences. Prevention and intervention approaches discussed. 

Course Code
PSY 563  Credits
Title Abnormal Psychology 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Descriptive and explanatory models are detailed in relation to their relevance to behavior pathology and the prevention of abnormal behavior. 

Course Code
PSY 565  Credits
Title Clinical Psychology 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Discussion of techniques of psychotherapy, crisis intervention, interviewing, clinical assessment and prevention of disorder. Emphasis on psychotherapy as a process of understanding. 

Course Code
PSY 590  Credits 1-3 
Title Topics in Psychology 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Coverage of a topic not central to other courses in the department. Topics will vary depending on the interest of students and faculty. 

Course Code
PSY 601  Credits
Title Foundations of School Psychology 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description An introduction to school psychology as a profession and to education as the primary arena within which school psychologists operate. Historical foundations and current status of education, introduction to special education, basic legal and ethical issues, professional roles, and the relationship of school psychologists to other educational and mental health team members are addressed. 

Course Code
PSY 611  Credits
Title Children's Thinking 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Course covers key research and theories in cognitive development. Topics will center on development of perceptual abilities, language, memory, concepts, social cognition, and problem solving from birth through adolescence. 

Course Code
PSY 613  Credits
Title Biopsychology 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description A study of brain-behavior relationships emphasizing human clinical applications. 

Course Code
PSY 620  Credits
Title Measurement Theory 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Theory and principles involved in test construction and interpretation. Issues associated with testing practices and various categories of tests are reviewed. Laboratory in administration of educational tests required. 

Course Code
PSY 620L  Credits
Title Measurement Theory Lab 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Laboratory in administration of educational tests. 

Course Code
PSY 621  Credits
Title Assessment/Intervention I: Basic Processes 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Basic theories and processes of school psychological assessment and interventions in a data-based problem solving framework. A variety of assessment techniques are covered including observation, interviewing, rating scales, functional behavior assessment, curriculum-based assessment and basics of parent/teacher consultation. Emphasis on ensuring decisions and interventions are creating positive change for students from a wide variety of socioeconomic, cultural and language backgrounds. Concurrent enrollment in PSY 641 Practicum I. 

Course Code
PSY 621L  Credits
Title Assessment/Intervention I Lab 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Assessment/Intervention I: Basic Processes Lab 

Course Code
PSY 622  Credits
Title Assessment/Intervention II: Special Populations 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Includes intellectual assessment and instructional intervention techniques with an emphasis on linking assessment and intervention. Focus on students with mild to moderate disabilities. Written and oral communication skills emphasized. Registration in separate lab required. Concurrent enrollment in PSY 642 Practicum II. 

Course Code
PSY 622L  Credits
Title Assessment/Intervention II: Special Populations Lab 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Assessment/Intervention II: Special Populations Lab 

Course Code
PSY 633  Credits
Title Statistics/Methods for School Psychologists 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Examines principles of univariate and non-parametric statistics, including inferential tests, correlations, and regression, as well as critical analysis and interpretation of school psychology relevant research articles. Also includes examination of experimental, quasi-experimental, survey, and descriptive research, focusing on designs, validity, power, effect size, and ethical principles. Prerequisite: One course in statistics. 

Course Code
PSY 634  Credits
Title Methods for Evidence Based Practice 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Primary focus on data collection and analysis skills for the practicing educators. Applied research and data analysis techniques used for evidence based practice including single subject and small n designs; program evaluation; and action research. Ethical issues related to school-based data sets and vulnerable and diverse populations. 

Course Code
PSY 635  Credits
Title Research Seminar I in School Psychology 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Seminar in applications and procedures when conducting psychological research. Writing a research proposal. 

Course Code
PSY 636  Credits 1-2 
Title Research Seminar II 
Prerequisite PSY 635 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Advanced seminar in applications and procedures when conducting psychological research. Two credits when taken concurrently with PSY 696; one credit when taken concurrently with PSY 699

Course Code
PSY 641  Credits
Title Practicum in School Psychology I 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description On-site exposure to the practice of school psychological services and supervised experience in applying principles and techniques learned in Assessment/Intervention I. 100 clock hours. 

Course Code
PSY 642  Credits
Title Practicum in School Psychology II 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description On-site exposure to the practice of school psychological services and supervised experience in applying principles and techniques learned in Assessment/Intervention II. 100 clock hours. 

Course Code
PSY 690  Credits 1-4 
Title Topics in Psychology 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Topical seminar in Psychology; may be repeated when the topic changes.