BA Degree in Women's & Gender Studies {23-24}

B.A. Degree in Women's and Gender Studies

To receive the B.A. Degree in Women's and Gender Studies, the student must meet the minimum university requirements and specific requirements for the program. Completion of 120 credits is required for this degree which includes the Liberal Arts and Sciences Curriculum.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Describe how identities are socially constructed along intersecting axes of gender, race, class, sexuality and ability.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of issues facing women and the movements that have responded to those issues both historically and globally.
  • Recognize and analyze dynamics of social power, including relations of oppression and privilege between men and women as well as between women of different social groups.
  • Evaluate issues utilizing the tools of multiple disciplines and by moving between disciplines in ways that bring those disciplines together.
  • Examine the relationship between theory and practice by applying knowledge gained in the academy to circumstances, experiences and activist work outside of the academy.

Program Delivery Mode
Land plus: face-to-face where some online courses may be available or required

Core Requirements ( 12 credits )

WS 100 Women Today: Contemporary Women's Issues (3)
WS 247 Women's Studies: Perspectives and Intersections (3)
WS 324 Feminist Theory (3)
WS 420 Feminism in Global Perspective (3) 

Designated Writing Intensive Course for Major
WS 420 Feminism in Global Perspective (3)

Program Requirements

Students must complete a minimum of 6 credits in the Social Justice Area, 6 credits in the Arts and Humanities Area, 6 credits in the Social and Natural Sciences Area, and 3 credits in Activism and Research.  At least nine of these credits must be at the upper division level.

SOCIAL JUSTICE AREA (minimum of 6 credits)
WS 305/ECON 305 The Economics of Poverty, Discriminations and Inequality (3)
WS 330/SOC 330 Gender, Justice and the Environment (3)
ART 345 Art of Social & Environmental Justice (3)
AMCS 372 Dynamics of Prejudice and Oppression (3)
WS 415 Media and Diverse Identities (3)

ARTS AND HUMANITIES AREA (minimum of 6 credits)
WS 246/ENGL 246 Women in Literature (3)
WS 312 Rhetorics of Resistance: Feminist Responses from the Humanities (3)
WS 345/MUS 345 Women in Musical Culture (3)
WS 346/MUS 346 Sex and Sexuality in Music (3)
WS 350/HIST 350 Women in European History (4)
FILM 371 History of LGBT Representation in Film (4)
HIST 375 Women in United States History (3)
WS 408/ART 408 Women and Art (4)

WS 300/BIOL 300 Biology of Women (3)
PSY 310 Psychology of Women (3)
WS 310/SOC 310 Dominant-Subordinate Group Relations (3)
WS 333/SOC 333 Sociology of Gender (3)
WS 406/BIOL 406 DNA as Destiny: Genetics and Society (3)
CJ 400 Seminar in Criminal Justice (only when topic is "Women and Crime") (3)

ACTIVISM AND RESEARCH (minimum of 3 credits)
WS 390 Topics in Women’s Studies (1-4)
WS 394 Research in Women’s Studies (1-3)
WS 397 Independent Study (1-3)
WS 470 Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (1)
WS 412 Seminar in Women’s Studies (3)
WS 469 Internship in Women’s Studies (1-12)