BS Degree in Earth Science Education {23-24}

B.S. Degree in Earth Science Education

Earth Science Education provides students with understanding of concepts and practices within the broad fields of earth science, including physical geology, historical geology, environmental geology, weather and climate, oceanography, planetary science, and astronomy. Students engage in science as a practice, not merely a body of factual knowledge as is appropriate for preparation for teaching science in Minnesota. The degree includes science and education courses needed for licensure in the state of Minnesota for Middle School Science and High School Earth Science. Completion of 120 credits with a 2.5 GPA or higher is required for graduation with this degree which includes the Liberal Arts and Sciences Curriculum and Secondary Teaching Licensure Education requirements. Teacher licensure requirements must be met in order to receive a secondary teaching license in the state of Minnesota.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Ability to apply concepts and principles of geosciences in understanding earth processes and how human activities and earth processes interact.
  • Competency in laboratory and field skills and ability to conduct a scientific investigation.
  • Ability to use and respond to literature and research in geosciences, including: use of library and research data, ability to interpret results of a research investigation, comprehension of key ideas and evidence, understanding of arguments, and ability to communicate arguments and ideas in written and oral form.

Note:  Due to the small number of students in this program, in practice we assess these students in the same cohort as our Environmental Geology majors who take many of the same core courses, and with the other majors in science education, using the assessment methods applied in those cases.

Program Delivery Mode
Land plus: face-to-face where some online courses may be available or required

Core Requirements ( 68 credits )

GEOS 109 Processes and History of a Dynamic Planet (3)
GEOS 109L Introductory Geology Lab (1)
GEOS 110 Water, Land, and People: An Introduction to Physical Geography (3)
GEOS 110L Water, Land, and People: An Introduction to Physical Geography Lab (1)
GEOS 209L Problems in Introductory Geology (2)
GEOS 303/303L Mineralogy and Petrology (3)
GEOS 305 Oceanography (3)
GEOS 315 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (3)
GEOS 330 Elementary Meteorology (3)
GEOS 340 Economic and Environmental Geology (3)
GEOS 360 Planetary Science (3)
GEOS 361L Problems in Planetary Science (1)
GEOS 492 Senior Seminar and Research Capstone (3) (WI for major)
BIOL 440 Middle School/Secondary Science Teaching Methods (3) or
CHEM 440 Secondary Science Teaching Methods (3)
Total: 35 credits

Secondary Education Licensure Requirements
Students must earn at least a C- or higher in all licensure coursework.

COMM 100 Speech Communication (3)
ED 205 Introduction to Education (3)
ED 294 Educational Psychology (3)
ED 310 Social Foundations of Education (3)
ED 498 The Professional Teacher in the Classroom (3)
ED 448 Reading Study Skills in the Content Areas (3)
SPED 413 Teaching in Inclusive Environments (3)

Minimum of 12 credits of student teaching to include any combination of the following:
ED 461S Student Teaching: Secondary or
ED 460S Student Teaching: K-12 or
ED 461V Student Teaching: Secondary/K-12 or
ED 460M Student Teaching: Middle School

Total: 33 credits

To register for the appropriate student teaching courses, please consult with academic advisor and The School of Teaching and Learning Field Experience Office. Teacher licensure requirements must be met in order to receive a secondary teaching license in the state of Minnesota. The MN Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board information can be found HERE.

Information on MSUM Teacher Licensure can be found HERE.

Designated Writing Intensive Course for Major
GEOS 492 Senior Seminar and Research Capstone

Related Requirements ( 28 credits )

BIOL 111 Cell Biology (4)
BIOL 115 Organismal Biology (4)
CHEM 150/CHEM 150L General Chemistry I and Lab (4)
CHEM 210/CHEM 210 General Chemistry II and Lab (4)  
MATH 261 Calculus I (4)
PHYS 160 Physics I with Algebra & Lab (4)
PHYS 161 Physics II with Algebra & Lab (4)

Recommended Electives

GEOS 211L Problems in Water, Land, and People (2)