BA Degree in Biology {23-24}
B.A. Degree in Biology
This degree gives students a broad foundation in the biological sciences without emphasis toward any of the areas of specialty represented by the more career-oriented B.S. degrees in Biology. This open configuration allows flexibility in designing a degree path that does not align well with any of the B.S. degrees. To receive the B.A. Degree in Biology, the student must meet the minimum university requirements and specific requirements for the program. Completion of 120 credits is required for this degree, which includes the Liberal Arts and Sciences Curriculum.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Understand fundamental biological concepts at the molecular, cellular, organismal, and ecosystem levels.
- Recognize evolution by natural selection as a unifying theme across biological disciplines.
- Demonstrate competence in lab and field skills and application of discipline-specific skills professional skills.
- Apply critical thinking skills and quantitative tools to evaluate biological information.
- Practice effective oral and written communication of scientific ideas in the manner of professional biologists.
- Acquire and refine research skills starting in introductory and advanced courses.
- Have the opportunity to participate in faculty-mentored independent research.
- Acquire multicultural and ethical perspectives in the advancement and application of science in society.
Program Delivery Mode
Land plus: face-to-face where some online courses may be available or required
Core Requirements
( 15-16 credits )
BIOL 111 Cell Biology (4)
BIOL 115 Organismal Biology (4)
BIOL 341 Genetics (4)
Select one course from this list:
BIOL 345 Principles of Ecology (4)
BIOL 236 Foundations of Microbiology (4)
BIOL 350 Microbiology (4)
BIOL 348 Evolutionary Biology (3)
Designated Writing Intensive Course for Major
Any of the following:
BIOL 348 - Evolutionary Biology (3)
BIOL 360 - Cellular & Molecular Physiology (4)
BIOL 365 - Developmental Biology (4)
BIOL 372 - Aquatic Biology (4)
BIOL 406 - DNA as Destiny (3)
BIOL 423 - Advanced Gross Anatomy (4)
BIOL 430 - Immunobiology (4)
BIOL 478 - Research Design (3)
Related Requirements
( 19 credits )
Math (3-5 credits) MATH 127 or above.
Chemistry (8 credits)
CHEM 150/CHEM 150L General Chemistry I (4)
CHEM 210/CHEM 210L General Chemistry II (4)
*CHEM 275 can be taken in place of either CHEM 150L or CHEM 210L
Physics (8 credits)
PHYS 160 Physics I with Algebra & Lab (4) and PHYS 161 Physics II with Algebra & Lab (4) OR
PHYS 200 Physics I with Calculus & Lab (4) and PHYS 201 Physics II with Calculus & Lab (4)
Restricted Electives
( 22 credits )
22 credits of Electives required. At least 12 credits must be at the 300-level or above. One credit maximum from BIOL 494
BIOL 100 Issues in Human Biology (3)
BIOL 104 Human Biology (3)
BIOL 109 Biology Today (3)
BIOL 125 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (4)
BIOL 126 Human Anatomy and Physiology II (4)
BIOL 190 Topics in Biology (1-4)
BIOL 236 Foundations of Microbiology (4)
BIOL 248 Introduction to Public Health (3)
BIOL 275 Quantitative Biology (4)
BIOL 290 Topics in Biology (1-4)
BIOL 300 Biology of Women (3)
BIOL 305 General Botany (4)
BIOL 308 Pacific Northwest Ecology (3)
BIOL 310 Science of Brewing (3)
BIOL 311 Neurobiology (4)
BIOL 321 Invertebrate Zoology (3)
BIOL 322 Vertebrate Zoology (4)
BIOL 323 Human Anatomy (4)
BIOL 326 Minnesota Plant Identification (4)
BIOL 335 Tropical Conservation Biology (3)
BIOL 345 Principles of Ecology (4)
BIOL 346 An Ecological Perspective (3)
BIOL 347 Plant Physiology (4)
BIOL 348 Evolutionary Biology (3)
BIOL 349 Human Physiology (4)
BIOL 350 Microbiology (4)
BIOL 360 Cellular and Molecular Physiology (4)
BIOL 365 Developmental Biology (4)
BIOL 370 Exploring Biology (3)
BIOL 372 Aquatic Biology (4)
BIOL 385 Molecular Biology (3)
BIOL 385L Molecular Biology Lab (1)
BIOL 390 Topics in Biology (1-4)
BIOL 400/CHEM 400 Biochemistry I (3)
BIOL 402 Principles of Animal Behavior (3)
BIOL 405/CHEM 405 Biochemistry Laboratory I (1)
BIOL 406 DNA as Destiny: Genetics and Society (3)
BIOL 410/CHEM 410 Biochemistry II (3)
BIOL 423 Advanced Gross Anatomy (4)
BIOL 430 Immunobiology (4)
BIOL 438 Medical Microbiology (3)
BIOL 440 Middle School/Secondary Science Teaching Methods (3)
BIOL 455 Wildlife Ecology (4)
BIOL 469 Internship (1-12)
BIOL 470 Undergraduate Laboratory Teaching (1)
BIOL 478 Research Design (3)
BIOL 490 Topics in Biology (1-4)
BIOL 494 Undergraduate Research in Biology (1)