BS Degree in Cybersecurity {23-24}
B.S. Degree in Cybersecurity
Students completing a Major in Cybersecurity at MSUM will be able to evaluate the security needs of a system, and competently design and implement secure systems to reduce vulnerabilities and minimize risks. Students will be able to communicate, to technical and non-technical audiences, about cybersecurity issues in Information Systems. To receive a BS in Cybersecurity, the student must meet the minimum university requirements and specific requirements for the program. Completion of 120 credits with a 2.5 GPA is required for this degree which includes the Liberal Arts and Sciences Curriculum.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Students will be able to evaluate the security needs of a system.
- Students will be able to competently design and develop secure systems.
- Students will be able to communicate, to technical and non-technical audiences, about cybersecurity through writing and speech.
- Students will possess competitive and comprehensive content knowledge in cybersecurity.
- Students will be able to solve problems in their careers.
Program Delivery Mode
Land plus: face-to-face where some online courses may be available or required
Core Requirements
( 46 credits )
CSIS 152 Introduction to Computers and Programming 1-a (3)
CSIS 153 Introduction to Computers and Programming 1-b (3)
CSIS 252 Introduction to Computers and Programming II (3)
CSIS 304 Databases (3)
CSIS 320 Architecture (4)
CSIS 340 Software Engineering (3)
CSIS 349 Network & Data Communications (3)
CSIS 349L Network & Data Communications Lab (1)
CSIS 352 Advanced Concepts in Programming (3)
CSIS 362 Cybersecurity Fundamentals (3)
CSIS 364 Information Systems Security (3)
CSIS 430 Operating Systems (4)
CSIS 441 Network Security (3)
CSIS 462 Software Security (3)
CSIS 464 Software Security Analysis (3)
CSIS 492 Senior Seminar (1)
Designated Writing Intensive Course for Major
ENGL 387 Technical Report Writing (3) or
PMGT 385 Process Leadership (3)
Program Requirements
Minimum cumulative GPA: 2.50
Grade of C- or better for CSIS 152, CSIS 153, CSIS 252 & MATH 210
While in the Major, students must maintaing a minimum GPA of 2.50, both overall and in courses required for the major.
At least one-half of the 300- and 400-level computer science courses in this major program must be taken from the Department of Computer Science at MSUM
A student is required to complete an Experiential Learning Component before graduation. This learning component will be automatically met by taking CSIS 469. Other ways to complete it include:
• Participation in Academic Competitions (example: cybersecurity contest)
• Participation in the Student Academic Conference (poster or presentation)
• Faculty/Student Research Projects
• Study Abroad
• Military Service with cybersecurity related experience
• Employment related to the student’s major
• Job Shadowing
• Community volunteer work related to the student’s major (example: through ACM)
Related Requirements
( 23 credits )
CSIS 316 Ethics in the Information Age (3)
COMM 100 Speech Communication (3)
CHEM 150/CHEM 150L General Chemistry I and Lab (4) or
PHYS 160 Physics I with Algebra & Lab (4) or
PHYS 200 Physics I with Calculus & Lab (4)
MATH 261 Calculus I (4) or
MATH 229 Topics in Calculus (3)
MATH 210 Concepts from Discrete Mathematics (3)
MATH 234 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (3) or
MATH 335 Intermediate Probability and Statistics I (3)
ENGL 387 Technical Report Writing (3) or
PMGT 385 Process Leadership (3)
Restricted Electives
( 9 credits )
CSIS 311 Server-Side Scripting (3)
CSIS 335 Graphical User Interface Programming (3)
CSIS 336 C#.Net Programming (3)
CSIS 341 System and Network Administration (3)
CSIS 360 Linux Programming and Development Tools (3)
CSIS 365 Mobile Application Development & Programming
CSIS 434 Modern Software Development (3)
CSIS 450 Programming Languages (3)
CSIS 469 Internship (up to 3 applied)
CSIS 490 Topics in Computer Science and Information Systems (1-3)
CSIS 494 Undergraduate Research (1-3)