Minor in Construction Management {23-24}
Minor in Construction Management
A Minor in Construction Management allows to students to gain fundamental knowledge of commercial building cost estimating, critical path method scheduling, and construction project management. Students can pursue a career in construction management by earning a CM minor either face-to-face or online. The CM Degree is nationally accredited by the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE) which is globally recognized.
Core Requirements
( 21 credits )
In addition to the listed courses, students must earn at least three credits in a Construction Management elective course. Students must choose their electives in consultation with their faculty advisor.
CM 220 Commercial Building Methods and Materials (3)
CM 230 Estimating I: Quantity Survey (3)
CM 335 Estimating II: Pricing and Productivity (3)
CM 340 Planning and Scheduling (3)
CM 460 Project Administration (3)
ACCT 230 Principles of Accounting I or
MGMT 260 Principles of Management (3)
CM Elective (3)