BS Degree in Economics
The Economics degree is a rigorous program that allows students to tailor their coursework to fit their interests, whether they’re business, law, education, international affairs, public policy, finance or research. To receive the B.S. Degree in Economics, the student must meet the minimum university requirements and specific requirements for the program. Completion of 120 credits is required for this degree which includes the Liberal Arts and Sciences Curriculum.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Students should demonstrate awareness of a broad range of sub-fields in economics.
- Students should demonstrate knowledge of basic economics concepts.
- Students should be able to conduct original research in economics.
- Students should demonstrate effective presentation skills.
- Students should demonstrate effective writing skills.
- Students should demonstrate the ability to apply quantitative tools.
Program Delivery Mode
Land plus: face-to-face where some online courses may be available or required
Core Requirements
( 21 credits )
ECON 202 Principles of Economics I: Micro (3)
ECON 204 Principles of Economics II: Macro (3)
ECON 302 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (3)
ECON 304 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory (3)
ECON 370 Quantitative Economic Analysis (3)
ECON 425 International Trade and Finance (3)
ECON 492 Economics Seminar (3)
Designated Writing Intensive Course for Major
ECON 492 Senior Seminar (3)
Related Requirements
( 21 credits )
In addition to the listed courses, students must take six elective credits in Accounting or Computer Science. Students planning to do graduate work in Economics are encouraged to take additional mathematics courses.
ACCT 230 Principles of Accounting I (3)
CSIS 103 Computer Concepts and Applications (3)
ENGL 387 Technical Report Writing (3) or
COMM 301 Business and Professional Communication (3)
MATH 229 Topics in Calculus (3) or
MATH 261 Calculus I (4)
MATH 234 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (3)
Restricted Electives
( 15 credits )
Fifteen additional elective credits in Economics courses are required. ECON 100 may not be used as electives for Economic majors. Select from the following:
ECON 305 The Economics of Poverty, Discrimination, and Inequality (3)
ECON 315 Government and Business (3)
ECON 320 Money and Banking (3)
ECON 340 The Gendered Economy (3)
ECON 350 Public Finance (3)
ECON 390 Topics in Economics (1-3)
ECON 415 Industrial Organization and Public Policy (3)
ECON 416 Labor Economics (3)
ECON 469 Internship (1-12)
ECON 497 Independent Study in Economics (1-3)
Emphasis in Business Economics
Program Requirements
( 6 credits )
ECON 315 Government and Business (3) or
ECON 415 Industrial Organization and Public Policy (3)
ECON 320 Money and Banking (3)
Related Requirements
( 22 credits )
Students planning to do graduate work in Economics are encouraged to take additional mathematics courses.
ACCT 231 Principles of Accounting II (3)
ACCT 280 Legal Environment of Business (3)
FINC 340 Financial Management (3)
MATH 261 Calculus I (4)
MGMT 260 Principles of Management (3)
MGMT 371 Introduction to Business Analytics (3) or
GEOS 205 Thinking Spatially (3)
MKTG 270 Principles of Marketing (3)
Restricted Electives
( 9 credits )
Students must complete nine elective credits in Economics. ECON 100 does not count as an elective.