BS Degree in Nursing {23-24}
Bachelor of Nursing
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program at Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM) is intended for individuals wishing to attain a BSN who are not currently registered nurses.
The BSN program plan at MSUM is an eight semester (including summers), 120 credit baccalaureate curriculum. It is based on a set of core competencies that are intended to prepare graduates to provide care to individuals, families, and communities in health promotion, acute or chronic illness, and at the end of life. Students are admitted per holistic admission criteria. Please see the program website for further information. Completion of 120 credits is required for this degree which includes the Liberal Arts and Sciences Curriculum.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Integrate reflection, self-analysis, self-care, and lifelong learning into nursing practice.
- Demonstrate leadership skills to enhance quality nursing care and improve health outcomes.
- Evaluate best available evidence utilizing informatics to guide decision making.
- Collaborate with inter-professional teams to provide services within the broader health care system.
- Adapt communication strategies to effectively respond to complex situations.
- Promote ethical practice and research within the nursing discipline and organizational and political environments.
- Practice holistic, evidence-based care including diverse and underserved individuals, families, communities, and populations.
Program Delivery Mode
Land plus: face-to-face where some online courses may be available or required
Core Requirements
( 65 credits )
NURS 270 Health Promotion and the Role of the Professional Nurse (4 theory/2 lab/3 clinical)
NURS 275 Nutrition and the Role of the Professional Nurse (2)
NURS 280 Chronic & Palliative Care (3 theory/1 lab/3 clinical)
NURS 282 Pharmacology and the Role of the Professional Nurse (3)
NURS 285 Applied Pathophysiology (2)
NURS 361 Acute & Complex Care (3 theory/1 lab/3 clinical)
NURS 362 Applied Pathophysiology for Nursing II (2)
NURS 364 Nursing Leadership I (2 theory/1 clinical)
NURS 406 Nursing Care of the Family (3 theory/1 clinical)
NURS 444 Evidence-Based Nursing Practice (3) (WI)
NURS 459 Population-Based Care (5 theory/2 clinical)
NURS 464 Nursing Leadership II (4) (WI)
NURS 446 Nursing Informatics (2)
NURS 492 Integrative Seminar & Practicum (4 theory/3 clinical)
SUST 485 Global Health Perspectives (3) (WI)
Designated Writing Intensive Course for Major
NURS 444 Evidence-Based Nursing Practice (3)
NURS 464 Nursing Leadership II (4)
Related Requirements
( 27 credits )
PSY 113 General Psychology (3)
PSY 202 Developmental Psychology (3)
COMM 285 Intercultural Communication (3)
ENGL 286 Writing for the Workplace (3)
BIOL 236 Introduction to Microbiology (4)
BIOL 125 Human Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab (4)
BIOL 126 Human Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab (4)
CHEM 110 Fundamentals of Chemistry (3) OR goal area 3 CHEM course equivalent