BS Degree in Speech, Language, Hearing Sciences {23-24}

B.S. Degree in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences

To receive the B.S. Degree in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, the student must meet the minimum university requirements and specific requirements for the program. Completion of 120 credits is required for this degree which includes the Liberal Arts and Sciences Curriculum.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Students will demonstrate knowledge of basic human communication and swallowing processes pertaining to normal and abnormal human development and acquired disorders and differences across the life span sufficient for entry into graduate programs. 
  • Students will demonstrate knowledge of cultural humility, cultural responsiveness, and cultural competence foundations in alignment with concepts of diversity, justice, and inclusion.
  • Students will demonstrate evidence of knowledge of standards of ethical conduct.
  • Students will demonstrate knowledge of processes used in research and of the integration of research principles into evidence-based clinical practice.
  • Students will demonstrate skills in oral or other forms of communication sufficient for entry into graduate programs.
  • Students will demonstrate skills in written or other forms of communication sufficient for entry into graduate programs.

Program Delivery Mode
Land plus: face-to-face where some online courses may be available or required

Core Requirements ( 43 credits )

SLHS 101 Survey of Speech-Language-Hearing Disorders (3)
SLHS 150 Observation of the Practice in Speech Language Hearing Sciences (2)
SLHS 201 Linguistic Phonetics (3)
SLHS 202 Anatomy and Physiology of Normal Speech and Hearing (3)
SLHS 204 Language Development (3)
SLHS 320 Hearing/Vestibular Disorders & Assessment (4)
SLHS 321 Speech Sound Disorders in Children (3)
SLHS 322 Language Disorders in Children (3)
SLHS 343 Clinical Procedures (3)
SLHS 427 Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Literacy Acquisition (3)
SLHS 402 Neuroanatomy/Physiology of Communication and Swallowing (3)
SLHS 421 Speech and Voice Science (3)
SLHS 473 Rehabilitation Audiology (4)
SLHS 491 Research Applications in SLHS (3)

Designated Writing Intensive Course for Major
ENGL 387 - Technical Report Writing

Related Requirements ( 6 credits )

ENGL 387 Technical Report Writing (3)
MATH 234 Intro to Probability and Statistics (3)

Electives ( 6 credits )

Students must earn six elective credits from the following list of courses. These electives should be chosen in close consultation with a faculty advisor.

SLHS 301 Sign Language and Deaf Culture I (3)
SLHS 424 Childhood Stuttering and Related Disorders (3)
SLHS 446 Clinical Experience (3)
SLHS 482 Medical SLP (3)
SLHS 490 Topical Seminar in SLP (1-3)
SLHS 497 Individual Study (1-3)

Emphasis in Pre-Audiology

Program Requirements ( 46 credits )

SLHS 101 Survey of Speech-Language-Hearing Disorders (3)
SLHS 150 Observation in the Practice of Speech Language Hearing Sciences (2)
SLHS 201 Linguistic Phonetics (3)
SLHS 202 Anatomy and Physiology Normal Speech and Hearing (3)
SLHS 204 Language Development (3)
SLHS 301 American Sign Language and Deaf Culture I (3)
SLHS 320 Hearing/Vestibular Disorders and Assessment (4)
SLHS 321 Speech Sound Disorders in Children (3)
SLHS 322 Language Disorders in Children (3)
SLHS 343 Clinical Procedures (3)
SLHS 402 Neuroanatomy/Physiology of Communication and Swallowing (3)
SLHS 421 Speech and Voice Science (3)
SLHS 446 Clinical Experience (3)
SLHS 473 Rehabilitation Audiology (4)
SLHS 491 Research Applications in SLHS (3)

Related Requirements ( 6 credits )

ENGL 387 Technical Report Writing (3)
MATH 234 Intro to Probability & Statistics (3) OR Math 134 Applied Statistics (3)

Restricted Electives ( 6 credits )

Six credits of elective courses from list below.

ACCT 230 Principles of Accounting I (3)
AT 210 Medical Terminology (1)
COMM 201 Interpersonal Communication (3)
COMM 211 Group and Team Communication (3)
COMM 285 Intercultural Communication (3)
ECON 202 Principles of Economics (3)
HLTH 125 First Aid and CPR (2)
MGMT 229 Start Your Own Business (3)
MGMT 260 Principles of Management (3)
PSY 310 Psychology of Women (3)
PSY 320 Social Psychology (3)
PSY 342 Learning and Memory (3)
PSY 345 Brain and Behavior (3)
PSY 348 Cognitive Psychology (3)
PSY 360 Sensation and Perception (3)
PSY 402 Child/Adolescent Psychology (3)
PSY 403 Adulthood and Aging (3)
SLHS 424 Childhood Stuttering and Related Disorders (3)
SLHS 427 Augmentative and Alternative Communication & Literacy Acquisition (3)
SLHS 482 Medical SLP (3)
SLHS 490 Topics in SLHS (3)
SPED 225 Individuals with Exceptionalities (3)