Certificate in Geographic Information Science {24-25}

Certificate in Geographic Information Science

Certificate provides a focused area of study and basic competency in the theory, technology, and application of Geographic Information Science.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Use computer software to manage, manipulate, analyze, and display spatial data.
  • Operate GPS devices to record field data and import into a computer environment.
  • Make professional maps in digital and hardcopy formats.
  • Access spatial data online and convert hardcopy data to digital format.
  • Address practical problems with critical spatial thinking abilities and provide GIS-based solutions.

Program Delivery Mode
Land plus: face-to-face where some online courses may be available or required

Core Requirements ( 12 credits )

GEOS 205 Thinking Spatially (3)
GEOS 207 GPS Field Techniques (3)
GEOS 210 Cartography (3)
GEOS 307 Introduction to GIS (3)