BS Degree in Communication Arts & Literature Education {24-25}

B.S. Degree in Communication Arts & Literature Education

To receive the B.S. Degree in Communication Arts and Literature Education, the student must meet the minimum university requirements and specific requirements for the program. Completion of 120 credits and a 2.5 GPA is required to graduate with this degree which includes the Liberal Arts and Sciences Curriculum and Secondary Teaching licensure Education requirements. A grade of C- or above is required in all coursework for this program.

Student Learning Outcomes

Student learning outcomes for the English Teaching majors (BS) are from the National Council for Teaching of English Guidelines

  • Demonstrate a respect for the worth and contributions of all learners.
  • Show an understanding of language acquisition and development.
  • Demonstrate the image of language and visual images on thinking and composing.
  • Demonstrate how to respond to and interpret what is read in different ways.
  • Use a wide range of writing strategies to generate meaning and to clarify understanding.
  • Show knowledge of a broad historical and contemporary spectrum of United States, British, and world literatures.
  • Recognize the influence of media on culture and on people's actions and communication.
  • Use major sources of research and theory to understand the relationship between research and practice.
  • Examine, evaluate, and select resources which support the teaching of English language arts.

Program Delivery Mode
Land plus: face-to-face where some online courses may be available or required

Core Requirements ( 75 credits )

ENGL 300 Introduction to Literary Studies (3)
ENGL 311 Major British Writers I (3)
ENGL 314 Shakespeare (3)
ENGL 371 Survey of American Literature I (3)
Total: 12 credits

Select ONE of the following courses (3 credits)

ENGL 280 World Literature: East and West (3)
ENGL 380 World Literature (3)

Select ONE of the following courses (3 credits)

ENGL 312 Major British Writers II (3)
ENGL 330 Individual Authors (3)
ENGL 372 Survey of American Literature II (3)

ENGL 491 is the capstone course for students in this major. Students must also fulfill all teacher licensure requirements.

COMM 415 Teaching Methods: Communication Studies (3)
ENGL 365 Language and Learning (3)
ENGL 374 Theory & Methods: Writing, Grades 5-12 (3)
ENGL 484 Theory & Methods CA/L Grades 5-8 (3)
ENGL 491 Theory & Methods CA/L Grades 9-12 (3)
ENGL 493 Grammars of English (3)
Total: 18 credits

Secondary Education Licensure Requirements
Students must earn at least a C- or higher in all licensure coursework.

COMM 100 Speech Communication (3)
ED 205 Introduction to Education (3)
ED 294 Educational Psychology (3)
ED 310 Social Foundations of Education (3)
ED 498 The Professional Teacher in the Classroom (3)
ED 448 Reading Study Skills in the Content Areas (3)
SPED 413 Teaching in Inclusive Environments (3)

Minimum of 12 credits of student teaching to include any combination of the following:
ED 461S Student Teaching: Secondary or
ED 460S Student Teaching: K-12 or
ED 461V Student Teaching: Secondary/K-12 or
ED 460M Student Teaching: Middle School

Total: 33 credits

To register for the appropriate student teaching courses, please consult with academic advisor and The School of Teaching and Learning Field Experience Office. Teacher licensure requirements must be met in order to receive a secondary teaching license in the state of Minnesota. The MN Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board information can be found HERE.

Information on MSUM Teacher Licensure can be found HERE.

Designated Writing Intensive Course for Major
ENGL 491 Theory and Methods: CA/L Grades 9-12 (3)

Restricted Electives ( 6 credits )

Students must select two additional 3-credit courses in English at either the 300 or 400 level.