BS Degree in Physics {24-25}

B.S. Degree in Physics

The Physics major is designed for students who are curious about and want to understand how the natural world works. Our major develops math, modeling, computational, and problem-solving skills that are applicable to a wide variety of careers. We purposefully integrate computational techniques along with quantitative techniques into all our major courses. Recent majors have gone on to careers in education, engineering, computer programming, medical physics, astrophysics research, and finance. The Physics major with Medical Physics emphasis is designed for students who are interested in the application of physics concepts and methods in the diagnosis and treatment of human disease to improve human health. This is preparation for graduate work and careers in radiation oncology, applied medical physics, and medical imaging quality control. In addition to the core physics courses, students in this emphasis take several chemistry and biology courses as well as specialized electives. The Physics major with Astrophysics emphasis prepares students to work with large data sets. Possible careers using these skills include GIS, remote sensing, and medical image processing, in addition to possible graduate work in astrophysics. Majors with an astrophysics emphasis take several advanced astrophysics courses in both observational techniques and theory which include extensive use of computing. The Physics major with Business emphasis is designed for students who are interested in using their technical backgrounds in an entrepreneurial setting. Possible careers include product development, technical sales, and business ownership. In addition to the core physics courses, students in this emphasis take several business courses required for the Certificate in Entrepreneurship from the Paseka School of Business. To receive the B.S. Degree in Physics, the student must meet the minimum university requirements and specific requirements for the program/emphasis. Completion of 120 credits is required for this degree which includes the Liberal Arts and Sciences Curriculum.

Student Learning Outcomes

Graduates of our program can demonstrate the ability to:

  • Model physical systems conceptually.
  • Model physical systems analytically.
  • Model physical systems computationally.
  • Experimentally test physical models using contemporary techniques and equipment.
  • Apply the scientific method to studying a physical system.
  • Communicate professionally both in written and oral forms appropriate to the discipline.

Program Delivery Mode
Land plus: face-to-face where some online courses may be available or required

Core Requirements ( 31 credits )

PHYS 200 Physics I with Calculus & Lab (4)
PHYS 201 Physics II with Calculus & Lab (4)
PHYS 202 Introduction to 20th Century Physics (3)
PHYS 305 Experimental Physics I (3)
PHYS 315 Physics Seminar (1)
PHYS 322 Elementary Modern Physics (3)
PHYS 350 Computational Methods for Physical Science (3)
PHYS 330 Intermediate Mechanics (4)
PHYS 306 Experimental Physics II (3)
PHYS 342 Introduction to Research (1)
PHYS 492 Senior Project (2)

The algebra-based physics courses PHYS 160 and PHYS 161 may be substituted for the calculus-based physics courses PHYS 200 and PHYS 201.

Designated Writing Intensive Course for Major
PHYS 305 Experimental Physics I (3) or ENGL 387 Technical Report Writing (3)

Related Requirements ( 18 credits )

ENGL 387 Technical Report Writing (3)
MATH 261 Calculus I (4)
MATH 262 Calculus II (4)
MATH 323 Multi-Variable and Vector Calculus (4)
MATH 366 Differential Equations (3)

Electives ( 18 credits )

Students must complete 18 elective credits in Physics (PHYS) or Astronomy (AST) at the 300 level or higher (not including Phys 302, 385 and 440 and Ast 324 and 360). These courses cannot be from the core or related requirements. A max of 2 credits allowed towards Phys 469 (internship) and Phys 394 (research seminar).

Recommended Electives

We recommend students consider completing the courses listed below. Students are not required to complete these courses.  Students are encouraged to take Math 260 with Math 261.

MATH 260 Computer Calculus (1)
MATH 327 Linear Algebra (3)

Emphasis in Business

Program Requirements ( 15 credits )

Students must complete the core requirements listed for the major in addition to completing the following courses required for the Certificate of Entrepreneurship from the Paseka School of Business.

ENTR 229 Start Your Own Business (3)
ENTR 230 Entrepreneurial Finance (3)
ENTR 231 Entrepreneurial Leadership and Organization (3)
ENTR 232 Entrepreneurial Marketing (3)
ENTR 309 Building a Workable Business Plan (3)

Restricted Electives ( 3 credits )

Students must complete at least 3 credits from the courses listed below.

PHYS 312 Analog Electronics (3)
PHYS 318 Biophysics and Medical Imaging (3)
PHYS 325 Optics (3)
PHYS 370 Electromagnetic Theory (4)
PHYS 380 Thermodynamics (3)
PHYS 430 Quantum Mechanics (3)

Recommended Electives

We recommend students consider completing the courses listed below. Students are not required to complete these courses.

MKTG 270 Principles of Marketing (3)
MGMT 260 Principles of Management (3)
MGMT 380 Operations Management (3)

Students are encouraged to take Math 260 with Math 261.

MATH 260 Computer Calculus (1)
MATH 327 Linear Algebra (3)

Emphasis in Astrophysics

Program Requirements ( 13 credits )

Students must complete the core requirements listed for the major in addition to the following list of courses.

PHYS 370 Electromagnetic Theory (4)
PHYS 380 Thermodynamics (3)
PHYS 430 Quantum Mechanics (3)
AST 266 Observational Astronomy (3)

Restricted Electives ( 9 credits )

Take three credits from:

AST 410 Astrophysics (3)
AST 365 Cosmology (3)

Take six credits from:

AST 360 Planetary Science (3)
AST 390 Projects in Advanced Astronomy (3)
PHYS 312 Analog Electronics (3)
PHYS 325 Optics (3)
PHYS 469 Internship (1-2)
AST 324 Life and Death in the Universe (3)
AST 100 Introduction to a Universe of Astronomy (3)

Recommended Electives

We recommend students consider completing the courses listed below. Students are not required to complete these courses. Students are encouraged to take Math 260 with Math 261.

MATH 260 Computer Calculus (1)
MATH 327 Linear Algebra (3)

Emphasis in Medical Physics

Program Requirements ( 21 credits )

Students must complete the core requirements listed for the major in addition to completing the following list of courses.

PHYS 312 Analog Electronics (3)
PHYS 318 Biophysics and Medical Imaging (3)
PHYS 370 Electromagnetic Theory (4)
PHYS 380 Thermodynamics (3)
CHEM 150 General Chemistry I (3)
CHEM 150L General Chemistry Laboratory I (1)
CHEM 210 General Chemistry II (3)
CHEM 210L General Chemistry II Lab (1)

Recommended Electives

We recommend students consider completing the courses listed below. Students are not required to complete these courses. 

BIOL 111 Cell Biology (4)
BIOL 115 Organismal Biology (4)
BIOL 323 Human Anatomy (4)
BIOL 349 Human Physiology (4)

CHEM 350 Organic Chemistry I (3)
CHEM 360 Organic Chemistry II (3)

PHYS 325 Optics (3)
PHYS 430 Quantum Mechanics (3)

Students are encouraged to take Math 260 with Math 261.

MATH 260 Computer Calculus (1)
MATH 327 Linear Algebra (3)