Program Coordinator: Dr. Andrew Chen, PhD, MS, BS
Computer Science & Information Systems Department
Bridges 160E, (218) 477-2380
M.S. Degree in Cybersecurity
The accelerated BS to MS in Cybersecurity program (4+1) is a 30-credit program geared towards students who have a drive to develop as leaders in the field of cybersecurity and want to enter the job market quicker, with significant savings in education costs. This graduate program provides candidates with skills to protect an organization from cyber-attacks, discover and investigate cybersecurity breaches and intrusion, and create plans for managing processes to mitigate security risks. The MSUM accelerated MS program in cybersecurity is interdisciplinary and includes aspects of computer science, information technology, information systems, business administration and healthcare.
Admission Requirements
Information on admission requirements can be found on the Graduate Studies webpage.
Additionally, undergraduate majors at MSUM may apply formally for admission to the accelerated BS to MS in Cybersecurity after completing or registering for the following core courses CSIS 155, CSIS 255, CSIS 304, CSIS 340, CSIS 349, CSIS 362, CSIS 364, and before taking any 500- or 600-level classes in cybersecurity. A minimum undergraduate cumulative GPA of 3.0 at the time of application, is required.
For any credits required for the graduate degree, these will be completed at the graduate level. A student admitted into the accelerated BS to MS in cybersecurity track may opt out early with a bachelor’s degree.
The MS in Cybersecurity program at MSUM is rooted in a highly technical area and to succeed, prospective students with a baccalaureate degree outside of cybersecurity must have the necessary background knowledge in scripting, programming, computer networking, and systems administration. We highly recommend that such prospective students acquire the necessary knowledge and skills through undergraduate coursework or by completing short courses before commencing their MS in Cybersecurity graduate degree at MSUM.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate an operational understanding of the field of cybersecurity necessary to secure an enterprise from cyber-attacks.
- Demonstrate critical thinking in finding solutions to problems in the field of cybersecurity.
- Demonstrate managerial planning and decision-making skills in cybersecurity.
- Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively to stakeholders with different background.
Program Delivery Mode
Land plus: face-to-face where some online courses may be available or required
Core Requirements
( 18 credits )
CSIS 562 Software Security (3)
CSIS 580 Ethical Hacking (3)
CSIS 641 Network Security (3)
CSIS 664 Software Security Analysis (3)
CSIS 680 Digital Forensics (3)
CSIS 696 Portfolio/Plan B/Final Project (3)
Program Requirements
Undergraduate majors in the Computer Science and Information Systems department, admitted into the accelerated cybersecurity graduate program, can replace up to six credits of their undergraduate restricted electives with six credits of the graduate cybersecurity restricted electives.
Students admitted into the cybersecurity graduate program must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 in all 500- and 600-level coursework
( 12 credits )
Select any four courses from the list:
CSIS 672 Cybersecurity Analytics (3)
CSIS 674 Incident Response (3)
CSIS 676 Cybersecurity Risk Assessment (3)
MBA 685 Project Management (3)
MHA 638 Health Information Systems (3)