Minor in Art Therapy {17-18} - Art Therapy Related Field Experience

Course Code
ART 467  Credits
Title Art Therapy Related Field Experience 
Prerequisite ART 325 or PSY 325 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This field experience is intended for students in Junior or Senior standing who have completed at least 50% of the required Art Therapy Minor credit requirements in both Psychology and Visual Art. Students will select a placement from a list of over 20 agencies and organizations in the Fargo-Moorhead Area that have established partnerships with MSUM. These organizations and agencies range from pre-school to elder ages and include: Health care facilities, mental health agencies, juvenile education centers, elder-care facilities, homeless shelters and programs for at risk-youth. The experience is conducted under the direct leadership of a supervisor who has conveyed the mission, training requirements and parameters of the organization as well as the very specific characteristics, personal perspectives and expressive intent of the clients. Students will spend 40 hours at their site and be responsible for goal setting, reflective writing and submitting a final report.