Master of Healthcare Administration - Capstone II

Course Code
MHA 692B  Credits
Title Capstone II 
Prerequisite MHA 692A and permission required 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Capstone II is a two phase process, completed as the final course in the MHA program. The purpose of this course is to provide practical experience based in recently acquired leadership and administrative theory. The first phase of the Capstone II experience will be accomplished via an internship for a required minimum of 80 hours. In this phase, students will have an opportunity to work directly with community health care leaders. The student should be wholly responsible for a major project determined by the leader and the student. In the second phase, the student will develop a written project conceived, managed and researched by the student, which requires employing a concept learned and matched to a provider need. At the conclusion of the project the student will present the project to peers and faculty.