B.S. Degree in Integrated Advertising & Public Relations {18-19} - Strategies and Tactics in Public Relations

Course Code
COMM 375  Credits
Title Strategies and Tactics in Public Relations 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description The course is designed to achieve the following learning outcomes: 1) to analyze a public relations case study and identify the salient issues; 2) to identify the defined objectives in a case study; 3) to develop an awareness and understanding of the strategies and tactics employed in a case study; 4) to develop an awareness and understanding of the analytics used to evaluate the achievement of both impact and output objectives in a case study; 5) to accumulate a repertoire of strategic public relations strategies and tactics that can be used to respond to a future PR situation; and 6) to construct a written plan of professional, entry-level, proficiency that delineates a public relations response to a challenge, opportunity or problem in public relations.