Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership - Introduction to Advanced Graduate Scholarship and Leadership

Course Code
ED 701  Credits
Title Introduction to Advanced Graduate Scholarship and Leadership 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course introduces students to the theories and principal elements of research and scholarly writing. Students will consider a critical analysis of philosophy of research and epistemology as applicable to theory development. Students will learn how to discern principal arguments, analyze research questions, and identify the key scholarly attributes to journal articles and other sources of scholarly data. This course also introduces learners to the University’s overarching values and beliefs regarding education, research and the responsibilities scholars have in continuing a tradition of contributing to an ever-growing body of knowledge. This course will assist students in developing a framework for acceptable academic writing. As such, students will be engaged in evaluating journal articles; developing a topical outline in relation to their topic of interest and/or research question; and writing a literature review in preparation for dissertation work and/or specific publications. Learners will explore approaches to synthesizing literature and the application of the major components of APA form and style, and learn to coordinate literature searches.