Master of Healthcare Administration {20-21} - Health Information Systems

Course Code
MHA 638  Credits
Title Health Information Systems 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course is designed to provide a broad perspective of the field of Health Informatics. Students will learn the history and basic definitions of elements related to health informatics. The course will look at benefits and barriers in adopting health information technology within health care organizations. This course will also look at how data can be leveraged from informatics systems to drive process changes that promote patient safety and quality improvement. This course is appropriate for students in Nursing, Community Health, Social Work, Health Services Administration, Business Administration and Health Ed. The course will focus on: (a) application of electronic information delivery systems and methodologies, (b) electronic health records, (c) information technologies to deliver/enhance/coordinate care, (d) information retrieval and data analysis, (e) data driven decision-making, (f) health information exchanges, (g) using technology to promote patient safety and quality improvement, and (h) healthcare ethics and data confidentiality, privacy and security.