Minor in Media Arts {21-22} - Intermediate Digital Design

Course Code
GID 330  Credits
Title Intermediate Digital Design 
Prerequisite GID 230 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course is a continuation of the topics introduced in GID 230 Introduction to Digital Design, which is based upon the Macintosh computer and the programs used in the graphics industry today. In GID 230, students learned the basics of digital design, which includes the development of technical, creative, aesthetic, and production knowledge and skill sets. This course will explore in more depth these skill sets, creation of raster graphics, vector graphics, layout design, and the correct use of professional computer applications to design and produce graphics and layouts. It will provide an understanding of the applications at a deeper level, both technical and creative, as well as the best practices for the production of graphics according to industry standards. In addition to expanding the depth and breedth of topics begun in the introductory course, there are other content areas that will be introduced, including simple raster and vector looping animation, mobile platforms for Photoshop and Illustrator, mobile-to-desktop workflow, and other mobile apps that can be used in graphic creation.