BFA Degree in Animation {22-23} - Advanced 16mm Production

Course Code
FILM 465  Credits
Title Advanced 16mm Production 
Prerequisite FILM 372, FILM 378, OR FILM 384 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course is an advanced production course, which provides an introduction to and foundation in techniques of double system synchronous sound 16mm filmmaking. The course emphasizes the development of sophisticated creative methods in the area of visual style and storytelling. Through readings, lectures, screenings, demonstrations, and crew-based film projects, students will gain hands-on experience unique to sync sound 16mm filmmaking. Special focus is placed on sound recording methods, black and white cinematography, and advanced lighting techniques. Students will be introduced to 16mm sync sound filmmaking equipment, including specialized sync cameras, camera support, dollies, and other tools of film lighting and grip training.