BS Degree in Mathematics: Actuarial Science {22-23} - Short-Term Actuarial Mathematics

Course Code
MATH 438  Credits
Title Short-Term Actuarial Mathematics 
Prerequisite MATH 435 Mathematical Statistics I 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to a variety of models that are useful for short-term actuarial applications, the steps involved in the modeling process including determining a suitable model. Topics include commonly used severity models, hazard rate and mean excess functions, frequency models, zero-truncated and zero-modified versions, aggregate risk models, coverage modifications, deductibles, limits and coinsurance, common risk measures, VaR and TVaR, construction and selection of parametric models, Bayesian credibility, B¨ulmann-Straub models, basic methods of pricing and reserving for short-term insurance coverages. This course covers topics for the Society of Actuaries’ Exam STAM and some topics of the Casualty Actuarial Society’s MAS Exams.