BS Degree in Exercise Science {23-24} - College Algebra with Lab

Course Code
MATH 127L  Credits
Title College Algebra with Lab 
Prerequisite ACT Math = 22 or **SAT = 530 or ACT Math 20 - 21 and HS GPA = 2.7 or Accuplacer Intermediate Algebra = 60 or Accuplacer College Level Math = 50 or Accuplacer AAF = 250 or MCA Math 1158 or MATH 095 or MATH 099 with grade C- or above **Stand alone HS GPA 2.8 or above (effective fall 22) 
Lasc Area Goal 4  
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Exponents, factoring, equations, inequalities, systems of equations, functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, polynomials and rational functions. Must have successfully completed Intermediate Algebra or have an acceptable placement score. MnTC Goal 4.