Minor in Environmental Geology {23-24} - Principles of Geomorphology & Hydrology

Course Code
GEOS 345  Credits
Title Principles of Geomorphology & Hydrology 
Prerequisite GEOS 110 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This is an interdisciplinary course designed for students with an interest in Environmental Science with a moderate background in the physical sciences. It will include the following major topics: 1) The Earth’s dynamic surface and major processes that influence the landscape types and evolution, 2) Landscape systems and types (soils, fluvial systems and drainage basins, glacial and periglacial landscapes, aeolian systems, and tectonic landscapes), 3) The influence of climate and humans on landscape types and evolution, 4) The principles of surface and groundwater hydrology, and 5) Water quality and the impact of humans on water resources. Upon completion of this course, students will have an appreciation and understanding of the geological influences on landscape and water resources, the human impact and influence on landscapes and water resources, and the influence of landscapes and water resources on society.