Certificate in Mathematics {23-24} - Probability and Statistics for Applications

Course Code
MATH 634  Credits
Title Probability and Statistics for Applications 
Prerequisite Students must be enrolled in a Masters program or have a prior Masters degree and have at least 15 credits of undergraduate mathematics with a course grades of C- or better 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course offers a wide range of probability and statistical concepts, concentrating on specific statistical techniques used in science and industry. It provides students with practical ability to choose, generate, analyze, and interpret appropriately, descriptive and inferential statistics. There is an extensive breadth of coverage ranging from elementary methods to such advanced methods as multiple regression and nonparametric analysis. Topics include: Measures of location and variability, probability theory, random variables, common families of distributions, point and interval estimations, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, chi-square tests, nonparametric statistics, analysis of variance, regression, and correlation.