Master of Healthcare Administration {23-24} - Capstone II

Course Code
MHA 692B  Credits 1-6 
Title Capstone II 
Prerequisite MHA 692A and permission to register 
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description Capstone II is completed as one of the final courses in the MHA program. In this course, students participate in a capstone experience in which they are exposed to real-world projects and relationships within healthcare organizations. The experience connects coursework/theory to organizational experiences to allow students to witness the confluence of theory and practice. The student should be wholly responsible for a major project mutually determined by the leader/mentor and the student, under the guidance of faculty. The student develops an executive portfolio conceived, managed, and researched by the student, which requires employing a concept learned and matched to a provider need. At the conclusion of the project the student will present their project findings/portfolio to their mentor and faculty.