RN-BSN {24-25) - 3 Ps for the BSN: Pathophysiology, Pharmacology & Physical Assessment

Course Code
NURS 462  Credits
Title 3 Ps for the BSN: Pathophysiology, Pharmacology & Physical Assessment  
Course Outline Course Outline 
Description This course integrates pathophysiology, pharmacology, and physical assessment using a concept-based framework. Select disease processes will be considered focusing on a basic understanding of cellular function, pathophysiology, pharmacologic mechanism of action, and corresponding physical assessment findings. Concepts addressed in this course include: health assessment, pharmacology principles; pharmacogenomics; altered cellular response & cellular proliferation; altered ventilation & perfusion; altered nutrition, fluids & elimination; altered metabolic & hormonal regulation; and altered neuro-sensory regulation. A lifespan approach will strengthen the nurses understanding of health-related information, focus on evidence-based practice guidelines, facilitate inter-professional collaboration, and improve nursing care across a wide variety of settings